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词汇 buy in
例句 Thanks to globalization, the burger you buy in Moscow is exactly the same as the one you buy in New York.因为是全球一体化,在莫斯科买的汉堡包和在纽约买的一模一样。Be sure to buy in a lot of tinned food in case we're snowed up.一定要多买些罐头食品以防我们被雪困住。Homemade bread never stays as fresh as the stuff you buy in the supermarket.家里做的面包不可能像超市里买的能保持新鲜。The mirror was a bargain buy in a Harrod's sale.这面镜子是在哈罗德百货公司大减价时买到的特价商品。Which earrings did you buy in the end - the triangles or the circles?最后你买了什么样的耳环——三角形的还是圆的?It may be advantageous to buy in bulk.批量购买也许会有利。Italian oranges are much sweeter than the ones we buy in Britain.意大利的橙子比起我们在英国买的要甜得多。The program uses records of past purchases to make/draw inferences about what customers will buy in the future.这一程序根据顾客以往的购物记录推断出他们将来会买些什么。People had to buy in candles during the electricity strike.电厂工人罢工期间,人们不得不大量购买蜡烛。It's usually cheaper to buy in bulk.批量购买通常比较便宜。It's illegal to get into a formal agreement with investors that they'll buy in the aftermarket.与投资者达成正式协议、允许他们在后市上买入的做法是非法的。The caviar was the real McCoy too - not the stuff we buy in the supermarket at home.鱼子酱也是正品——不是我们家在当地超市里买的那些东西。We always buy in bulk. It is so much more economical.我们总是大批购买。这样经济得多。




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