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词汇 buy it
例句 He makes a list of what he needs and then walks into the store and buys it, without looking around at all.他把需要的东西列了一张清单,然后就到商店去买,完全没有到处逛。I gave the book a quick scan, and decided not to buy it.我粗粗地浏览了一下那本书,决定不买了。You can buy it ready-made at Chinese groceries.在中国杂货店里你可以买到现成的。We will go and view the house before we buy it.在买房前我们先去看一看房子。It costs less if you buy it direct from the manufacturer.如果你直接从厂家购买,价格会更便宜。I could feel the impulse to buy it overtaking me.我能够感到购买的冲动在支配自己。Whenever she sees something that she likes, she goes and buys it.每当她看到了喜欢的东西,她就会去买下来。The paint's not ready to use when you buy it. You have to mix it with water.这种油漆买来时还不能用,要把它加水搅拌。He can not buy it because of his lack of money.他因缺钱买不起这个。If I see something that tickles my fancy, I'm going to buy it.要是看到什么我感兴趣的东西,我就买。The dress was such a bargain, I had to buy it.这连衣裙这么便宜,我一定要买。We have just enough money to buy it, with 11 pence to spare.我们刚好有足够的钱买它,还剩下十一便士。You usually have to pay more if you buy something retail than if you buy it wholesale.通常情况下,零买要比成批购买花更多的钱。People don't buy it because, for one thing, the price is too high.人们不买这东西,原因之一是它的价格太高。The most important thing to remember about fish is to buy it really fresh.买鱼最要紧的是要买活蹦乱跳的。Did you buy it at the swap meet?你是在二手交换市场上买的吗?People buy it ready cooked, dolloped from an enamel bowl.这东西在人们买时已煮熟,是从一个搪瓷碗里一份份舀出来的。He tried to flog his old car, but no one would buy it.他想快点儿卖掉他的旧车,但没人愿意买。Look at the machine very carefully before you buy it.购买机器以前要仔细查看。The moment we saw the house, we knew we wanted to buy it.看到房子的那一刻,我们就知道我们想把它买下来。Show me which one you like and I'll buy it for you.指给我看你喜欢哪个,我给你买。Don't use pickled beetroot, but buy it uncooked and cook it yourself.不要买腌制的甜菜根,买生的来自己煮。I will buy it at any price.不论如何我都要买下它。I'll offer to buy it from her, but I expect she'll say no.我打算出价向她买下,但估计她会不肯。Always try a sleeping bag for size before you buy it.买睡袋之前一定要试试大小是否合适。You can't buy it because it's out of stock.你买不到,因为它脱销了。Just buy it and hang the expense!买吧,别管它多少钱!If you say it's true, I'll buy it.如果你说是真的,我就接受下来。We should be happy to buy it for a modest sum.要是能花不太多的钱就把它买下来,我们会很高兴。A word to the wise: just because it's a bargain doesn't mean you have to buy it.一点儿忠告:不能仅仅因为便宜你就买。He said it was a mistake, but I don't buy it.他说这是个失误,我才不信呢。Nowadays, I bake my own bread rather than buy it.现在,我自己烤面包而不去买现成的了。A group of businessmen has made approaches to the owners of the club with an offer to buy it.一伙商人已经与俱乐部的业主们接洽,提出要买下它。We could tell him it was an accident, but he'd never buy it.我们可以对他说那是一次意外,但他决不会相信。The new car goes down in value the minute you buy it.你刚一买下,那新车就贬值了。I don't know whether people will buy it or not.我不知道人们会不会买它。I'll buy it back just as soon as I rustle some cash.我一弄到一些现金,就要把它买回来。Check the ripeness of the fruit before you buy it.买水果之前要看一下它的成熟情况。Should you buy a home from Lovell, the company promises to buy it back at the same price after three years.如果你在拉弗尔购买一处房产,公司承诺三年后以相同价格将其回收。You should look at that house before you decide to buy it.你应该看看那栋房子再决定购买。




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