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词汇 buys
例句 She only buys branded products.她只买名牌产品。The old woman always buys her own needs.这老妇人的生活必需品都是自己上街买的。The man in the store won't give him change for the phone unless he buys something.他不买点东西,店里的人就不给他换硬币打电话。He buys baseball collectibles and then holds them for resale.他购买棒球收藏品,然后持有它们以供转卖。She buys into the stereotype of the fat person gorging herself.她人云亦云地相信了胖子会胡吃海喝这种老一套说法。He tries to avoid trendiness when he buys new clothes.他买新衣服时尽量避免赶时髦。She buys all her clothes dirt cheap in charity shops.她所有衣物都是在慈善商店以极便宜的价格买的。The clothes that Mom buys make me look like a sissy.母亲买的衣服使我看起来娘娘腔的。He seldom, if ever, buys goods online.如果他在网上买过东西的话,那次数也是很少的。He buys lavish gifts for everyone.他给每个人都买了昂贵的礼物。She always buys us expensive presents, even though she can't really afford them.她常常给我们买一些昂贵的礼物,尽管她并不是真的有这个能力。She buys clothes more for the label than the style.她买衣服主要是看品牌而不是看款式。Kevin buys a root beer.凯文买了一瓶根汁汽水。He makes a list of what he needs and then walks into the store and buys it, without looking around at all.他把需要的东西列了一张清单,然后就到商店去买,完全没有到处逛。She buys all her clothes second-hand.她买的衣服都是旧的。Mary always pays cash down for anything she buys.玛丽买东西总是当场付现金。My sister buys fantastically expensive clothes.我姐姐买特贵的衣服。When a customer buys, the purchase order is routed via the internet to each supplier's personal Web page.当一名顾客购买时,订单会通过互联网发到每一个供应商自己的网页上。Instead of dining in top restaurants and wearing expensive suits, he likes to eat hamburgers and buys clothes off the peg.比起穿着昂贵的套装到高档饭店吃饭,他更喜欢吃汉堡、买成衣。S & G offers great buys on computer software. S & G公司可提供性价比很高的电脑软件。She always buys the cheaper cuts of meat.她总是买比较便宜的部位的肉。He comes in here every day at one o'clock and buys a cheese sandwich.他每天一点钟都来这里买奶酪三明治。He's too careful with his money, he never buys a drink for anyone.他用钱太吝啬了,从不给别人买饮料。Mark buys the earrings wholesale and then sells them for a profit.马克批量购买耳环,再把它们转售图利。She buys her vegetables from the local farmers' market.她从当地农贸市场买蔬菜。She buys all her clothes secondhand.她买的衣服都是二手货。Every time my wife goes to Costco supermarket, she buys kielbasa.我老婆每次去好市多超级市场,就一定会买波兰蒜味熏肠。He buys clothes off the peg.他买的衣服都是成衣。He always buys her naughty underwear for her birthday.他总是给她买性感的内衣作为生日礼物。The shopkeeper buys his fruit and vegetables at wholesale prices.店主以批发价购买水果和蔬菜。The restaurant buys rice and flour in bulk. 餐馆成批购进米和面。Other good buys include cameras and toys.其他例如照相机和玩具也很划算。Your knowledge of computers can finally be put to use when the office buys a new system next month.公司下个月会购置一套新的电脑系统,你的电脑知识终于可以派上用场了。He seems to be very unlucky with cars - every time he buys one it always has something wrong with it.他买车好像很不走运—每次买的车总会有什么毛病。You can see he's in the money by all those clothes he buys.看看他买的那些衣服,你就会知道他是很有钱的。This company offers great buys on computer software.这家公司对电脑软件的开价很好。He's really stingy and never buys anyone a drink when we go out.他非常小气,我们一起出去时他从来不请喝酒。He always buys the best – money doesn't enter into it.他总是买最好的,钱根本不成问题。Anyone who buys second-hand car tires is just asking for trouble.谁要买二手汽车轮胎就是自讨苦吃。She buys clothing that she can mix and match.她买能相互搭配的衣服。




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