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词汇 animals
例句 Every year thousands of unwanted animals are abandoned.每年有数以千计没人要的动物被遗弃。The animals were fed only on pasture.这些动物只在牧场上进食。The animals are very sensitive to disturbance and have never bred in captivity.这些动物对干扰非常敏感,从来没有被圈养过。He showed a great interest in animals.他对动物表现出极大的兴趣。The scientist broke new ground in his book about rare animals.这位科学家在他那本有关珍稀动物的著作中有独创见解。I can't stand people who are cruel to animals.我无法容忍虐待动物的人。Horses can be used as pack animals.马可以用作驮畜。No two animals have identical markings.没有哪两只动物具有一模一样的花纹。Her work will include planting trees and caring for animals.她的工作包括种树和照料动物。His book, Animal Liberation, sparked off a revolution in the way we think about animals.他的著作《动物解放》引发了一场关于我们该如何看待动物的思想革命。The circus has been attacked for alleged ill-treatment of animals.马戏团因被指虐待动物而受到抨击。All animals including men feed on plants or other animals.包括人类在内的一切动物都是靠吃植物或其他动物过活的。Some veterinary drugs are not approved for use in food-producing animals.一些兽药未获批准用于食用动物。The animals grew restless as if in anticipation of an earthquake.各种动物都变得焦躁不安,像是感到了地震行将发生。Most of the gods are represented as having animals as their vahanas.大多数的神灵被描绘成有牲畜作各自的伐诃纳。He drew fantastic animals with two heads and large wings.他画了一些长着两个头和巨大翅膀的怪兽。The Government acted quickly to introduce legislation to protect animals.政府迅速行动,提交了保护动物的立法议案。Many of the animals that lived there were strange to me.生活在那里的许多动物对我而言都很陌生。Do animals dream?动物做梦吗?They protested against cruelty to animals.他们抗议虐待动物的残酷行径。The children pretend to be different animals dancing to the music.孩子们扮成不同的动物,随着音乐起舞。This lesson pertains to marine animals.这一课讲海洋动物。The zoo strives to create naturalistic settings for the animals.这家动物园竭力为动物打造贴近自然的栖息环境。These animals are mostly active during the day.这些动物通常白天活跃。The animals' behavior conforms to a common pattern.这些动物的行为符合一般模式。We must stop the illegal export of live animals.我们必须遏止活动物的非法出口。These animals always return to the same breeding ground.这些动物总是回到同一个地方繁殖。Carbon dioxide is not highly toxic to animals or humans in small amounts.少量的二氧化碳对动物和人体的危害并不大。All things being equal, smaller animals need smaller brains.什么都一样,只是小一点的动物需要的脑袋也小一点。The killing of these animals is not only illegal, it's also immoral.猎杀这些动物不仅违法,而且不道德。Many people make a sharp distinction between humans and other animals.很多人认为人类和其他动物截然不同。Martha decided to hedge off part of the garden to keep children and animals out.玛莎决定用树篱把花园隔开,以便把孩子们和动物挡在外面。As flood waters rose, evacuation of families and farm animals was begun.洪水不断上涨,居民家庭和农场牲口的疏散工作开始了。The oil spill was a disaster for Alaskan sea animals.石油泄漏对阿拉斯加的海洋动物是一场灾难。I have nothing but scorn for people who are cruel to animals.对于残忍对待动物的那些人我只有鄙视。Overcrowded shelters would not be able to euthanize unwanted animals.拥挤不堪的动物救助站无法对被遗弃动物实施安乐死。Cat are warm-blooded animals, but snakes are cold-blooded.猫是温血动物,而蛇是冷血动物。We managed to save the animals from being put down.我们设法救下了那些动物,使他们免于人道毁灭。Live animals are transported across the continent, packed tightly into trucks.活畜被满满当当地塞上卡车,运往大陆的另一端。She was filled with nausea at the sight of cruelty to animals.她看到虐待动物满腔厌恶。




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