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例句 The following quotation is taken from a nineteenth century travel diary.下面的引文选自十九世纪的一篇旅行日记。We were tired for a few days following our trip.旅行之后的几天我们都很疲倦。Feelings have been running high in the town, following the murder of a young girl.一个年轻女孩被害之后,镇上的人很不安。Reporters learned the news on Friday but agreed not to make it public until the following day.记者于周五得知这个消息,但同意到第二天才将其公开。Christmas decorations were withdrawn from sale yesterday following a fire-risk warning.昨天发出了火灾隐患警告之后,圣诞节装饰品都停止销售了。I condensed this into the following schema.我将此缩略成下列概要。The following day the weather broke and we had ten days of solid rain.第二天天气就变了,接着就一连下了十天的雨。There are fears that the company could be heading for closure, following a bad year.遭遇了不景气的一年之后,有人担心该公司要倒闭了。He led the way to the lift. Fox played along, following him.他朝电梯走去,福克斯只得紧随其后。He said, following his arrest last fall, that the FBI had set him up.去年秋天他被捕后,他说是联邦调查局设了圈套陷害他。The following information may be helpful to readers.以下信息可能会对读者有帮助。The trebles sing the following passages.最高声部的歌手们唱以下几节。There will be a brief Q and A following the speech.演讲之后将会有一个简短的问答环节。She died the following year.第二年她死了。Specifically, the department wanted answers to the following questions.具体来说,系里希望以下问题得到解决。Do you use any of the following? Pager, Answering machine, Mobile phone, Car phone.你使用下面的物品吗?传呼机、电话答录机、移动电话和车载电话。He deluded everyone into following him.他骗得大家都跟随他。Indwelling catheters are used during labour following epidural anaesthesia.产妇生产时,可以在硬膜外麻醉之后使用留置导管。The four-man group has a large following in Britain.这支四人演唱组合在英国拥有大批追随者。Rail bosses are in the firing line again following last week's accident.上星期的事故发生后,铁路公司的老板再次备受责难。He's following a regimented diet.他正在遵守严格的饮食规定。Abortion was legalized nationally in the United States following the Roe versus Wade case.在罗诉韦德案后,堕胎在美国全国变得合法化。Eligibility to participate is restricted to those meeting the following conditions.参加者须符合下列条件。Legal experts following the case believe the trial could go either way.关注这起官司的法律专家认为,两种审判结果都有可能。The police are now following up some new leads.警察现在正在追查一些新线索。His condition deteriorated overnight and he died the following day.他的病情一夜之间恶化,第二天就去世了。The knives are out for the manager following England's reversal on Sunday.周日英格兰队被逆转后,公众批评的矛头指向了主教练。For all inquiries about flight schedules, please call the following number.要查询航班时刻表,请拨打下面这个号码。Students following the Honours course are expected to study Islamic History.在上优等生课程的学生需要学习伊斯兰教历史。Correct the errors in the following sentences, if any.如果下列句子中有错,请改正。At that time she was undergoing tremendous emotional problems following the breakup of her marriage.那时她婚姻破裂,感情上饱经痛苦。He groped his way through the darkness, following the sound of her voice.他跟随她的声音在黑暗中摸索前进。After failing in his examination, he resolved on one last try the following year.考试没能通过,他决定第二年最后再试一次。The following wind and eastward running tide had given us a very pleasant, lazy sail.顺风和向东的潮水使我们的航行很惬意、很省力。Bulbs that you plant in the autumn should flower the following spring.秋天种下的鳞茎植物来年春天就会开花。The following month, David floated the possibility of launching a new TV company.第二个月,戴维提出成立一家新的电视公司的可能性。The police are following every possible lead.警方不放过任何一条可能的线索。If she guessed wrong, it meant twice as many meetings the following week.如果她猜测错误,那就意味着下周的会议要多上一倍。No casualties were reported following the bomb explosion.炸弹爆炸之后未闻有人伤亡的报道。Many boys then dreamed of following the sea.那时有许多男孩梦想当水手。




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