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词汇 animal
例句 Glands in the animal's skin secrete tiny proteins.动物皮肤上的腺体分泌蛋白质微粒。The animal's horns are slightly curved.这种动物的角微微弯曲。I know how to deal with James, but Michael is a different animal.我知道怎样对付詹姆斯,但迈克尔是不同类型的人。People treated me as though I was no better than an animal.人们对待我好像和对待动物一样糟。The animal, which once numbered in the millions, is now extinct.这种动物过去数以百万计,现在灭绝了。It was not an animal you'd care to tangle with.这种动物你是不会想和它缠打的。Unless we do something now, hundreds of plant and animal species will die out.我们现在若不采取措施,数百种动植物都会绝种。She was struck with revulsion at the sight of the dead animal.看到那只死动物,她感到一阵恶心。To find a large meat animal so soon after his landfall was very good luck indeed.他一登岸就找到了一头大猎物,真是好运气。This man is an animal, a beast.这人是个畜生,是个野兽。I've only seen that animal in a zoo, never in the wild.我只在动物园见过那种动物,从没在野外见过。Every animal has his element assigned him, the birds have the air and man and beasts the earth.一切动物都有天赋的自然环境,鸟生活在空中,人与兽生活在地上。Concerns flagged up by the report included animal welfare and child labour.该报告提醒关注的事项包括动物福利和童工问题。The animal was clearly distressed.那动物显然很痛。Development is destroying the animal's native habitat.人类的开发正在破坏这种动物的天然栖息地。Their attraction was animal rather than intellectual or spiritual.他们的相互吸引是肉体上的而非才智或精神上的。Her heart had begun to pound inside her chest like a captive animal.她心情紧张起来,一颗心在胸膛里扑通扑通跳个不停。She stabbed at the dead animal with a stick.她用木棍捅那只动物的尸体。Why is the Minister so inconsistent in his approach to animal welfare?为什么首相在保护动物福利的问题上如此反复无常?The police had to break up yesterday's animal rights demonstration.警方不得不驱散昨天的动物权利游行。It's difficult to track an animal over stony ground.很难在多石的地面上追踪动物。Many types of animal have now vanished from the earth.许多动物物种现已在地球上绝迹。It calls for the exclusion of all animal products from school dinners.它呼吁将动物制品从学校晚餐中剔除。He is a skilled animal tracker.他是个熟练的捕猎手。He's got a reputation as a party animal.他以热衷于聚会著称。The animal looked as if it was planning how best to gore him.那只动物好像在盘算怎么顶他最好。The eagle is the animal most sacred to the Native Americans.雕是印第安人心中最神圣的动物。He thrust the knife deep into the animal's chest.他把刀深深地刺进那只动物的胸口。The animal's body was curled up in a tight little ball.这个动物的身体紧紧地蜷缩成一团。The fingers were gnarled, lumpy, with long, curving nails suggestive of animal claws.手指粗糙,关节突出,指甲又长又弯,让人想起动物的爪子。These conditions can be harmful to plant/animal life.这种环境可能不利于植物/动物生长。The animal does have a program of reaction to stimuli arising in its external and internal worlds.动物确有一种对来自外界及本身的刺激的反应程序。He was an animal in his younger days.他年轻时,是个衣冠禽兽。The eagle is the animal most sacred to the Native Americans.对印第安人来说,鹰是最神圣的动物。A deer is a shy animal.鹿是一种易受惊的动物。At heart she is a political animal.本质上她是一个很有政治秉性的人。By looking at the bones of this animal, we can discover quite a lot about its musculature.通过观察这种动物的骨骼,我们可以了解其肌肉系统的不少特点。After death animal bodies return to dust.动物死后尸体化为尘土。The animal was weak from loss of blood.那只动物因失血而虚弱无力。The tranquilizer made the animal immobile.镇静剂使这只动物失去了活动能力。




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