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词汇 flu
例句 When Janette was three months pregnant, she caught flu.珍妮特怀孕三个月时得了流感。I think Jo's got flu.我想乔是患了流行性感冒了。This flu has really knocked me for six.这场流感使我浑身乏力。By the time I got home my body ached all over and I knew I was getting the flu.回到家时我全身上下都觉得疼,我知道自己得了流感。The soldiers were diagnosed as having flu.这些士兵经诊断患了流感。The country is bracing for an outbreak of avian flu.该国正在做准备以应对禽流感的爆发。The report noted a sharp drop in cases of flu.报告中强调流感病例已急剧减少。Grant Hill played despite being sick with the flu for the past ten days.尽管过去十天来一直患感冒,格兰特·希尔还是参加了比赛。She has been down with the flu for a week.她感冒已经一周了。She had a particularly bad case of flu.她得了特别重的流感。An epidemic of flu rushed the doctors off their feet.流感蔓延,大夫们疲于奔命。A flu epidemic is sweeping through Moscow.一场流感正在莫斯科蔓延。When you're coming down with flu all you can do is batten down the hatches and wait for it to pass.得了流感以后,你所能做的就是做好心理准备,等它慢慢过去。Doctors warn that a flu epidemic may be on the way.医生警告说可能爆发一场流感。A nasty flu bug is going round (the school) at the moment.眼下一种传染性很强的流感病毒正在(学校)传播。Symptoms of the flu include fever, general aches and pains, and sore throat.这种流感的症状包括发烧、全身酸痛以及咽喉痛。I have had really bad bouts of flu that have really dragged me down.我患上了重度流感,快被拖垮了。The vaccine is available for those who are most at risk from the flu epidemic.为那些最易患上流行性感冒的人提供了疫苗。He came down with a bad bout/attack/case of the flu.他患了重度的流行性感冒。He's in bed with flu.他因患流感卧病在床。They were both suffering from a mild bout of flu.他们两个都得了轻微的流感。Then I caught flu, which really knocked the stuffing out of me.后来我得了流感,这场病真把我弄得元气大伤。The article talks about ways to stay healthy during flu season. 这篇文章对如何在流感季节保持健康做了介绍。He caught flu and had to cry off at the last minute.他感冒了,不得不在最后关头变卦。She was only just getting over the flu when she got a stomach bug.她流感刚要好,又得了胃病。They refused him sick pay when he had the flu, which is a shoddy way to treat an employee.他得流感休假时,他们拒绝付给他病假工资,这样对待员工也太冷漠了。I'm feeling a bit feverish - I hope it's not the start of flu.我有点发烧,希望这不是患流感的前兆。Mark hasn't got over the flu yet. He still feels pretty weak.马克还没有从流感中康复过来,他还是很虚弱。My secretary's been off with flu for the past week.我的秘书上周得了流感没来上班。I was laid up for a week with flu.我得流感卧床了一个星期。The patient was admitted presenting with flu-like symptoms.病人因呈现类流感症状而被收治。Everyone in our room got flu.我们房间里的所有人都患了流行性感冒。Barron invited her to the races and she agreed, but she caught flu and had to cry off at the last minute.她接受了巴伦一起去看比赛的邀请,但她感冒了,最后不得不取消约定。She's been ill with the flu but she's on the mend now.她得了流感,但现在正逐渐好起来。I've been in bed with flu and my legs still feel a little wobbly.我因流感而卧床休息,腿仍然感觉打晃儿。I had flu and was off sick for a week.我得了流感,有一个礼拜没来。He was down with the flu, and therefore couldn't come to the party.他患了流行性感冒,因此未能前来参加宴会。The flu virus infected almost the entire class.全班几乎人人都染上了流行性感冒病毒。There are several absentees from school this week, because a lot of people have flu.因为流感肆虐,这星期有几个学生缺课。That flu really KO'd me for a while.流感着实把我打到了一阵子。




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