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词汇 angry
例句 Local people are very angry about the plans to close another hospital.当地群众对又关闭一家医院的计划感到很愤怒。Their car was stoned by an angry mob.一伙愤怒的暴民向他们的车扔石块。The press reacted to the demand for censorship with angry editorials.报界用一篇篇充满愤怒言辞的社论回应新闻检查的要求。I was angry that they didn't even acknowledge my letter.我生气的是他们甚至没有确认已经收到我的信。The shouting grew into an angry roar.喊叫声变成了怒吼声。Diago pounded an angry fist against the wall.迪亚戈愤怒地用拳头砸墙。He got/grew/became angry when he found out about their plans.发现他们的计划后,他非常气愤。I don't respond very positively to being bossed around - it just makes me angry.我不喜欢被呼来喝去——这只会使我恼火。I could see that she was angry but trying to remain composed.我看得出她生气了,却在设法克制。The politician was angry with the newspaper for representing his party negatively.那名政治人物因报纸对其政党的负面描写而火冒三丈。I called my dad and told him what has happened. He sounded really angry.我打电话给我爸爸告诉他发生的一切,他似乎大为光火。Sometimes, when you're angry, you remind me of your father.有时候,你生气的时候就会使我想起你父亲。When I heard what she had said about me I felt angry and betrayed.当我听到她说我的那些话时,我非常生气,感到被人出卖了。She was so angry she hung up on him.她气得挂断了他的电话。I was so angry I wanted to slap him.我气得想打他一个耳光。He often masked his feelings of guilt by becoming angry at the people he had wronged.他经常对被自己冤枉的人发火,来掩饰自己的愧疚。I don't feel angry so much as sad.我感觉与其说是愤怒,例不如说是悲哀。The speech provoked an angry response from teachers and community leaders.这个演讲在教师和社区负责人中引起了愤怒的反响。The angry cat arched its back and spat at the dog.发怒的猫弓起背,朝那只狗发出呼噜呼噜的叫声。The cabby gave vent to an angry shout.出租车司机发出一声怒吼。Dad seemed more disappointed than angry.与其说爸爸生气,倒不如说他失望。We dare not play jokes on him lest he should become angry.我们不敢开他玩笑生怕他动气。You have every justification for feeling angry.你完全有理由感到愤怒。He ripped out an angry oath.他愤怒地咒骂了一句。After the programme, the TV station received hundreds of angry phone calls.节目播出之后,电视台收到许多愤怒的观众打来的电话。She was angry; nevertheless, she listened to me.她很生气,但还是听了我的话。He was stung by thousands of angry bees.他被数千只发怒的蜜蜂蜇了。An angry mob screamed abuse and hurled missiles during clashes with police yesterday.在昨天与警方的冲突中,愤怒的暴民向警察又是辱骂又是投掷东西。People such as your friend John make me angry.像你朋友约翰那种人让我生气。His parents were angry when they learned he had borrowed the car against their wishes. 他的父母得知他违背他们的意愿借了那辆车之后非常生气。When he gets that angry look in his eyes, you know it means trouble. 当他眼中充满愤怒的目光时,你知道那就意味着要有麻烦了。He had an angry rash across his forehead.他前额上满是红肿的皮疹。He was angry about the frustration of his plans.他对计划受挫大为恼火。Stone's new book is sure to make a lot of women angry.斯通的新书必定会激怒许多妇女。I'm sure he didn't mean to yell at you - he was just angry.我相信他并不是故意冲着你叫嚷的—他只是生气了。He was angry about his suspension from the team.他为自己不得不暂时离队而气恼。I nearly walked out, I was that angry.我差点中途退席,我太生气了。He does feel angry about the ministry gagging the information about the Holocaust.他对政府部门封锁关于二战期间纳粹对犹太人的大屠杀的消息感到非常气愤。He gets very angry when I beat him at chess.每当我下棋赢他的时候,他都会非常恼火。He's an amiable one, not given to angry kvetching.他这人和蔼可亲,生性不闹脾气发牢骚。




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