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词汇 Angeles
例句 There have been accusations of racism in the Los Angeles Police Department.有人指控洛杉矶警局中存在种族歧视问题。Los Angeles, California, is where it's at if you want to get into the film industry.如果你想进入电影业,加利福尼亚州的洛杉矶是最佳去处。Los Angeles is the second largest city in the US.洛杉矶是美国的第二大城市。They use tankers to transport the oil to Los Angeles.他们用油轮把石油输送到洛杉矶。The memo refers to a meeting in Los Angeles, where the future of the network was discussed.这份备忘录提及在洛杉矶的一次会议,会上讨论了网络的未来。Just as the presidential campaign was picking up steam, riots exploded in Los Angeles.正当总统竞选活动的声势日益壮大时,洛杉矶爆发了暴乱。The terrain's high points provide a panoramic view of Los Angeles.在这个地区的制高点能够看到洛杉矶的全景。Los Angeles is the biggest city in California.洛杉矶是加州最大的城市。Will booked a seat on the evening flight to Los Angeles.威尔预订了飞往洛杉矶的晚班客机的座位。He was given two years' probation by a Los Angeles court.洛杉矶一家法院判处他缓刑两年。He drew a line linking New York and/with/to Los Angeles on the map.他在地图上画了一条线,把纽约和洛杉矶连了起来。All the major airlines fly direct to Los Angeles.所有大航空公司都有直飞洛杉矶的航线。She uses modern-day Los Angeles as the setting for her book.她以现代洛杉矶作为自己的书的背景。They have just bought a house in Pacific Palisades, a wealthy suburb of Los Angeles.他们刚在洛杉矶富裕的郊区帕西菲克·帕利塞兹买了幢房子。Maxine Waters is a Democratic Congresswoman, representing South Central Los Angeles.玛克辛·沃特斯是一名民主党女议员,代表洛杉矶市中南区。State troopers acting under orders from the Mayor of Los Angeles have put down the riots.州警察奉洛杉矶市长之命镇压了暴乱。He caught/took the red-eye to Los Angeles.他乘坐夜间航班前往洛杉矶。Dan was delighted to get a room with breathtaking views of the Los Angeles basin.丹非常高兴,他住的房间能看到洛杉矶内港,景色令人叫绝。Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles洛杉矶日落大道He sings with the Los Angeles Gay Men's Chorus.他在洛杉矶男同性恋合唱团演唱。An uneasy calm has settled over Los Angeles.洛杉矶归于一种不稳定的平静之中。He joined the Los Angeles police department and was eventually promoted to the rank of lieutenant.他加入洛杉矶警察局,最终晋升为中尉警衔。Born and bred in this country, he and his wife emigrated to Los Angeles after the war.尽管生于斯长于斯,他和妻子在战后还是移民去了洛杉矶。He lives in a tony neighborhood of Los Angeles.他住在洛杉矶的贵族区。There are thousands like him in Los Angeles, begging on the streets and sleeping rough.洛杉矶有数以千计像他这样的人,沿街乞讨,露宿街头。From there we would drive down the coast to Los Angeles.从旧金山我们将沿着西海岸开车到洛杉矶。Friends and admirers crammed the chapel at the small Los Angeles cemetery where Monroe is buried.朋友和仰慕者们挤进安葬梦露的洛杉矶小公墓的教堂里。He has got a job in Los Angeles.他已在洛杉矶找到一份工作。He chose Simi Valley in Ventura County because it was conveniently close to Los Angeles.他选择去文图拉县的西米谷,因为那里离洛杉矶很近。He was driving around Los Angeles drugged up to the eyeballs.他嗑药过度,开着车在洛杉矶转悠。These clothes are the "in" thing now in Los Angeles.这些衣服在洛杉矶正流行。She took a flight for Los Angeles.她乘飞机去洛杉矶。Tony Williams was working as a car-park attendant in Los Angeles.托尼·威廉斯在洛杉矶的一个停车场当服务生。If any letters arrive, please send them on to me in Los Angeles.如果有信,请帮我转寄到洛杉矶来。The mayor is credited with helping make Los Angeles the financial capital of the West Coast.人们认为洛杉矶成为西海岸的金融中心是市长的功劳。Nowhere is the problem more acute than Los Angeles County, where gang-related homicide is on the increase.没有哪个地方比洛杉矶的问题更为严重,那里与黑帮牵连的凶杀事件有增无减。Two oil spills near Los Angeles have fouled the ocean.洛杉矶附近的两次漏油事故污染了海洋。The price includes two economy class airfares from Brisbane to Los Angeles.这一价格包括两张从布里斯班到洛杉矶的经济舱机票。Mexicana Airlines has announced cheaper round-trip tickets between Los Angeles and cities it serves in Mexico.墨西哥航空公司已经宣布出售从洛杉矶到墨西哥各城市之间航班的低价往返机票。Wallace died in a hail of bullets in Los Angeles, the victim of a drive-by killing.华莱士在洛杉矶遇上了飞车枪击事件,在枪林弹雨中遇害身亡。




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