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The full backs should fill in when the central defender moves to an advanced position.当中卫向前方移动时,后卫应该填补他们的位置。Children are enthralled by his stories; he has been known to fill theatre halls in Australia.孩子们为他的故事所着迷;众所周知他在澳大利亚总是场场爆满。John was there at the time, so he can fill you in on what actually happened.约翰当时在场,他能告诉你到底发生了什么事。I don't like having to reveal personal/private information when I fill in a job application.填工作申请表的时候,我不喜欢被迫透露个人/私密信息。Barnhart will fill a vacancy on the Planning Commission.巴恩哈特将填补计划委员会的空缺。Please fill in your jurisdictional district.请填写你的管辖区。Officers must fill out a questionnaire each time a motorist is stopped, regardless of whether a citation is issued.警察每拦下一名驾驶员,不管是否予以传讯,都必须填写一份调查表。This insurance is designed to fill a gap in welfare provision.这种保险就是为了填补福利服务没有覆盖的空白点。The Dutch developed a custom by which children put out shoes which Saint Nicholas would fill with gifts when he came visiting.荷兰人有一套自己的风俗,孩子们会将鞋子放在外面,圣诞老人到来时便会在里面装满礼品。Streets fill with people during the festival, but for the most part it's a quiet, sleepy town.节日期间街道上挤满了人,但在平日,这是个安静冷清的小镇。Potatoes fill us up.我们吃土豆吃饱了。Our old supervisor just retired, so they're looking for someone to fill his post.我们的老主管刚刚退休了,所以他们正在找人顶替他的位置。Please can someone fill me in on anything I've missed?哪位能把我没听到的最新消息告诉我吗?I was wondering how to fill those awkward gaps in the conversation.我在想如何打破谈话中尴尬的冷场。I was asked to fill the role of escort.我应邀来做陪同。Always look for the best person to fill any position, regardless of age, race, or gender.总要找最优秀的人来担当任何职位,不管年龄、种族或性别如何。It's quite early, I'd like to have a drink at the pub for a fill-in.时间还很早,我想到小酒店去喝杯酒消遣一下。May I fill your glass for you?给你满上一杯好吗?Ads are just there to fill the gaps between quiz shows.插播广告只是为了填补知识竞赛节目间的空档。Prospective members fill out an online application.想成为会员,要在网上填申请表。Spiders fill some people with repulsion.有些人一见蜘蛛就满腔厌憎。Beautiful pictures fill the pages.页面上满是漂亮的图片。We try to fill our executive positions by promotion from within.我们试图通过内部提升的方式来填补行政职位空缺。Please fill in the blanks. 请在空白处填写信息。The artist used cross-hatching to fill in the shaded areas.画家用交叉线来填涂阴影区。Did Sam fill you in about the new project?萨姆对你说过这个新项目的详情吗?I'll fill the tub for you while you take off those wet clothes.你把湿衣服脱了,我帮你给浴缸放水。If the oil tank is less than half full, tell them to fill it up.如果油箱内的油不到半箱,让他们灌满。The company is looking to fill several entry-level positions.公司的几个初级职位正在招人。I've had conversations with several employers who say there are not enough qualified people to fill the jobs they have.我和几位雇主进行了交谈,他们说找不到有足够资格的人来出任他们提供的职位。What shall he fill his belly withal?他将用什么来填饱他的肚子呢?No one has been able to fill his shoes.目前还没人能接替他的位置。She emptied her mind and let the music fill it.她排除头脑中的一切杂念,只让音乐充溢其间。You didn't miss much - I'll fill you in later你漏掉的不多,稍后我会告诉你最近发生的事。He can't be here today, so he asked me to fill in.他今天来不了,所以让我来替他。Please fill out this form.请填好这张表。Flocks of flamingoes fill the sky.一群群火烈鸟在天空云集。He tried to fill the power vacuum which the departed strongman had left.他曾试图去填补那铁腕人物死后留下的权力真空。Other gases rush in to fill the vacuum.其他气体涌进来充满真空。Everyone who votes has to fill in a slip of paper in order to register.每位选民登记时都必须填写一张小纸条。 |