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词汇 政客
例句 Politicians pass legislation to keep their constituents happy.政客们立法是为了取悦选民。The blame lies with the teachers and, by extension, with the politicians.过失在于老师,进一步说,在于政客Politicians don't like to own up to their mistakes.政客不喜欢承认他们的错误。The politician seemed a captive of hidden interests.那个政客看来是不露面的利益集团的工具。Many politicians are more concerned with power and control than with the good of the people.许多政客更关心权力和控制,而不是人民的利益。Politicians come and go. They all seem pretty much the same to me.政客换来换去,在我看来他们都没多大区别。This is an attempt by politicians to save face at taxpayers' expense.政客们企图用纳税人的钱来保全自己的面子。The politicians stick it to the tourists because the tourists don't vote.这些政客因为旅游者不参加投票就苛待他们。It took an unconscionable time for the politician to make up his mind.花了好长时间,这名政客才下定决心。The press demands that politicians disclose the sources of their income.报界要求政客们公开他们收入的来源。The politicians might be forced to touch on the real issues rather than scoring points off each other.政客们也许应该讨论实质的问题,而不是互相抬杠。Industrialists can not afford to be shackled by the ideologies of politicians.工业家可不能被政客的意识形态束缚住。He thinks politicians are just a bunch of crooks.他认为政客们不过是一帮虚伪之人。Politicians are known for hedging.政客们喜欢闪烁其词是人所共知的。It suddenly became fashionable for politicians to talk about green issues.政客们大谈环保问题突然变成了一种时尚。Politicians will only act when enough people demand that they do something.只有足够多的民众起来要求,政客们才会采取行动。The politician was lampooned in cartoons.那名政客在漫画中受到嘲讽。We remain totally illusioned about the good intentions of those politicians.我们对那些政客的好心依然充满着幻想。A general commanding American troops on the battlefield found himself overruled by politicians back in Washington.在战场上指挥美国部队的一位将军发现自己的意见被华盛顿的政客们否决了。The politicians who lost the elections will be consigned to the dustbin of history.落选的政客将被抛进历史的垃圾堆。He is a caricature of a statesman.他是个荒唐可笑的政客In the run-up to the election, politicians in both parties just wanted to play it safe.在大选前的准备阶段,双方政客都只想稳妥行事。The newspapers have made a dead set at this politician for using his official car for private purposes.报纸一致抨击这位政客将公车私用。He said that democracy would open the way for self-seeking politicians to abuse the situation.他说民主会为追逐私利的政客大开方便之门,使他们趁机以公谋私。The riot broke out at the instigation of a certain politician.这场暴乱是在某一政客的煽动下爆发的。He has been scathing in his denunciation of corrupt and incompetent politicians.他抨击起那些腐败无能的政客来一直都很尖刻犀利。Politicians try to dig up dirt on their opponents.政客们试图挖出政敌的丑事。Of course both the politicians denied taking bungs.当然两个政客都否认曾接受过贿赂。When politicians mess things up, it is the people who pay the price.政客们把事情搞砸的时候,埋单的是老百姓。The politician was knocked off his pedestal by his daughter's statements.这位政客由于女儿的一席谈话而不再受人敬重。He seems like a good guy to me, not at all the usual grasping political type.他在我看来是个不错的家伙,根本不像一般的那种贪婪的政客In this regard, Japan's politicians are failing.就此而言,日本的政客们辜负了民众的期望。He was a politician of the old school.他是个老派政客He was his own worst enemy, too uncompromising to get on with politicians and too aloof to win the affection of ordinary people.他是自作自受,一方面不懂妥协,无法与政客们和睦相处,另一方面又孤傲冷漠,不能赢得大众的喜爱。This kind of remark is guaranteed to light the blue touch paper with some Labour politicians.这样的言论肯定会激起某些工党政客的怒火。Like many politicians before him, Mr Bentley did not know when to stop.和许多之前的政客一样,本特利先生不知道见好就收。People are getting wise to the tricks politicians use in campaign advertisements.人们逐渐意识到政客们在竞选宣传中使用的把戏。Like most successful politicians, Sinclair was an opportunist.和大多数成功的政客一样,辛克莱也是个机会主义者。He was cocking a snook at politicians' lifestyles.他对政客们的生活方式不屑一顾。After so many lies from politicians, Dunbar's candour is refreshing.政客中谎言累累,邓巴的坦诚令人耳目一新。




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