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词汇 政局
例句 His message was aimed at the undecided middle ground of Israeli politics.他所传达的信息针对的是以色列政局中尚未表态的中间派。It took years for the political situation in the country to normalize.这个国家的政局过了多年才恢复正常。It is a poor and politically unstable society.这是一个贫穷落后且政局不稳的社会。The political situation is still very unstable.政局依然非常动荡。The peace talks resumed despite continuing uncertainty about the political situation.尽管政局仍变化不定,和谈还是继续进行。The issue of the monarchy is complicating politics in the run-up to the elections.就在选举拉开序幕前,君主政体的问题使政局变得复杂起来。I find the whole political situation so confusing! 我发现整个政局如此令人费解!The book provides a soup to nuts look at the current political scene.这本书囊括了当前政局的点点滴滴。The death of the King caused political upheaval in the country.国王逝世造成政局的动荡。They believed that changes in national politics would release new forces in their favour.他们相信国内政局的变化会导致有利于他们的新的力量的崛起。It is dangerous to visit there while the political situation is so unsettled.由于政局很不稳定,去那儿很危险。These political tensions explain the reluctance of financiers to invest in the region.政局的紧张使金融家不愿意在该地区投资。It will take a while for the political dust to settle.要过一段时间政局才会明朗。Crisis has always been the normal state of affairs in our country's politics.出现危机在我们国家的政局中历来都是正常现象。The spread of the rumour really roiled a formerly serene political scene.谣言的传播的确搅乱了本来平静的政局I have always followed politics closely.我一直都密切关注政局Political instability has made the region a powder keg.政局不稳使这一地区陷入危险局面。They stood around harrumphing about the current state of politics.他们围站在一起,对目前政局怨声载道。




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