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词汇 and now
例句 People have been violating this law for years, and now the government is finally starting to crack down.人们违反这条法律已经多年了,现在政府终于开始严厉打击。I lost my keys and now I can't get in.我把钥匙丢了,现在进不去了。I put on five pounds over Christmas and now I can't get into these jeans.我圣诞期间体重增加了五磅,现在这条牛仔裤穿不下了。The idea has been going around in my head for quite a while and now I am getting it down on paper.这个想法在我脑海里萦绕许久了,我现在就将它写在纸上。The team won the divisional championship and now proceeds to regional play-offs.这支球队夺得了分赛区冠军,现在继续参加区季后赛。This really isn't my day - my wallet was stolen and now I've lost my car keys.今天我可真够倒霉的——先是钱包被偷,现在车钥匙又丢了。He used to call himself a socialist, and now here he is selling arms to right-wing dictators.他以前常常称自己是社会主义者,而现在居然把武器出售给右翼独裁者。We've made our decision and now we have to stick to it for better or worse.我们已经做出了决定,无论结果如何我们都要坚持到底。The number of women on the committee has grown steadily and now they are in the majority.该委员会中女性人数稳步增长,现在她们已占大多数。She got a degree in history last year, and now she's doing a postgraduate course.她去年获得了历史学学位,现在在读研究生课程。To be able to live fully in the here and now, one must first learn how to honour the past.要想能够完全生活在现在,就要首先学会尊重过去。The clothing designer has branched out and now has his name on a line of perfume.那位服装设计师开拓了新领域,现在他的名字出现在一系列香水上。The thought of retiring and moving out into the country has been in the back of her mind for many years, and now she's finally doing it.多年来,退休并移居乡下的想法一直藏在她的心里,如今她终于付诸实施了。I'm making it blatantly clear here and now that this is unacceptable.在此我明确地表示,这是令人无法接受的。We had an argument with our neighbours, and now they won't even give us the time of day.我们和邻居吵了一架,到现在他们还不搭理我们。The club eventually capitulated and now grants equal rights to women.该俱乐部最终让了步,现在给予女性同等权利。I'm already really busy today, and now Paul's breathing down my neck saying he wants the Paris deal completed.我今天已经非常忙了,现在保罗又紧紧催着我,说他希望谈妥巴黎那桩生意。He behaved badly, and now he has to accept the consequences.以前他行为恶劣,现在不得不承受后果了。The bushes had become overgrown and now hid the entrance to the garden.灌木恣意蔓生,现在把花园的入口都掩盖了起来。I haemorrhaged money, and now it's almost all gone.我胡乱花钱,现在几乎都用光了。I have been chained to the oars of this company for over 20 years, and now you dare to dismiss me in this way.我在本公司辛辛苦苦干了二十多年,现在你竟敢就这么把我开除了。We were cursing the Germans, and now we are buddying with them.过去我们诅咒德国人,现在我们却和他们做朋友。Young backpackers set the trend, and now people of all ages are looking for cheap ways to travel around Southeast Asia.年轻的背包旅行者开创了新风尚,现在各种年龄的人都在寻找便宜的途径去东南亚地区旅行。Let's decide here and now how much money I owe you.咱们现在就来算清我欠你多少钱。Let's start the experiment here and now.咱们立即就开始做实验吧。He's a schemer,and now his plot struck back.他是个阴谋家,而现在他搬起石头砸了自己的脚。She has conquered Hollywood and now has her sights set on Broadway.她在好莱坞已取得成功,现在的目标是进军百老汇。He broke the law, and now he must face the consequences of his actions.他触犯了法律,现在必须面对自己的行为带来的后果。Three years ago she married a successful businessman, and now she never sees her old friends.三年前她嫁了一位成功的生意人,现在她不再和老朋友来往。She had remarried and now desired a child.她再婚了,现在渴望有个孩子。I'd like a piano, but here and now we haven't enough room.我想有架钢琴,但眼下我们没有地方可放。I've heard about you and now here you are.我已经听说你了,现在你来了。He told me about it, and now I'm passing it along to you.他跟我说了这件事,现在我又转告你了。My uncle's been put out to grass and now has nothing to do all day.我叔叔被解雇了,现在整天无所事事。John had taken the joke too far and now Betty was crying.约翰玩笑开得过火了,贝蒂现在正在哭呢。She's a nurse by profession and now runs a counselling service for women.她的职业是护士,现在开办了一个妇女咨询中心。We've been praying for her safe return, and now our prayers have been answered. = We've been praying for her safe return, and now God has answered our prayers. 我们一直在为她的平安返回祈祷,现在我们如愿以偿了。She dyed her hair and now she's a platinum blonde.把头发染成了淡金黄色。They did something to the central heating and now it doesn't work.他们对集中供暖系统做了些改动,现在它不能运转了。I've a good mind to have it out with him here and now.我很想此时此地和他摊开来讲讲清楚。




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