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When they didn't shoot at me right away, I figured I had a fighting chance.当他们没有立即向我开枪时,我估摸自己还有一线生机。Lewis has a fighting chance to win the gold medal.刘易斯如果努力拼搏还会有得金牌的机会。He has a fighting chance to live.他还有一线生机。Observers give him only a fighting chance in his campaign against the incumbent Senator.观察家们认为他在同那位在职参议员的竞选活动中只有经过艰苦奋斗才有取胜可能。Their help gave us a fighting chance to finish the project on time.他们的帮助使我们按时完工有了一丝希望。The patient still has a fighting chance to survive.病人仍有一线生机。United still have a fighting chance of winning the league.联队还有机会赢得联赛。 |