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词汇 prosecuted
例句 They were prosecuted for murder.他们因谋杀被起诉。He started an inquiry into the causes of the fire, and prosecuted it for three weeks.他开始调查火灾的原因,接著调查了三个星期。Trespassers will be prosecuted.非请莫入,违者必究。She criticized the government for the way it has prosecuted the war.她指责政府以这种方式继续战争。The people who made that movie could be prosecuted for obscenity.拍摄那部电影的人会因其中的淫秽镜头而被起诉。She recently prosecuted a sex/sexual offender. 最近她控告了一名性侵犯者。People who hand in illegal weapons will not be prosecuted during the amnesty.在赦免期内交出非法枪支的人将不会受到起诉。No one has yet been prosecuted in connection with the murder.还没有人因涉嫌这起谋杀案被起诉。Under the doctrine of universal jurisdiction, suspected war criminals may be prosecuted irrespective of where they are located.根据普遍管辖权规定,无论战犯嫌疑人身处何地,都可以对其进行起诉。You could be prosecuted for trespass.你可能会因为擅自闯入而受到起诉。Companies can be prosecuted for non-compliance with the law.公司如若违法可能会被起诉。Skateboarders know they will be prosecuted if they flout the law.玩滑板的人知道藐视法律会被起诉。Winstanley was prosecuted for criminal damage of property.温斯坦利因刑事毁坏财产而受到了起诉。Both individuals and companies can be prosecuted under the new legislation.在新的法规下,个人和公司都有可能遭到起诉。He may be prosecuted for revealing secrets about the security agency.他可能因泄露安全部门的秘密而被起诉。People who give the police false information will be prosecuted.向警方提供假情报的人将受到起诉。He is being prosecuted for two criminal offences.他因两项刑事罪名受到起诉。He will be prosecuted for trespass.他将因擅闯私地而被起诉。He was prosecuted for having sex with a girl who was underage.他因和未成年少女发生性关系而被起诉。The company was prosecuted for breaking the contract.该公司因违约而被起诉。The case is being prosecuted by the assistant district attorney.这起案件由地方助理检察官担任控方律师。He was prosecuted for drunken driving.他因为醉驾被起诉。Buxton is being prosecuted for assault.巴克斯顿由于袭击罪而被起诉。She successfully prosecuted her boss for sexual harassment.她以性骚扰为理由成功起诉她的老板。He was prosecuted for criminal damage to a vehicle.他被控对汽车存在刑事损害。If you are prosecuted by the police, then it is essential that you take specialist legal advice.如果你受到警方起诉,至关重要的是你要听取专业律师的意见。No one was arrested, let alone prosecuted.没有人被逮捕,更不用说被起诉了。Hill let loose a torrent of abuse against those who prosecuted his case.希尔对控告他的人破口大骂起来。The company is to be prosecuted under the Health and Safety Act.按照《卫生安全条例》,这家公司将受到起诉。Fly-posters will be prosecuted.非法张贴海报者将被起诉。Shoplifters will be prosecuted.商店扒手将遭到起诉。Violators will be prosecuted.违法者将被起诉。




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