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词汇 fighter
例句 US planes clashed with enemy fighter aircraft again today.美国飞机今天又与敌方战斗机发生了冲突。As a fighter pilot, he knows that good vision is essential.作为一名战斗机飞行员,他知道拥有良好的视力是至关重要的。His quickness will balance out the other fighter's greater strength.他的敏捷将使他可以与力量更大的对手相抗衡。His quickness will balance the other fighter's greater strength.他的敏捷将使他可以与力量更大的对手相抗衡。The fighter hit hard at his opponent but missed.拳击手狠狠向对手打去,但没有击中。All other things being equal, the bigger fighter should win.同等条件下,大块头的拳手应该会赢。He's something of a fighter.他称得上是一个斗士。He proved/showed his mettle as a fighter tonight.他今晚展示了他作为一名斗士的勇气。You need to have nerves of steel to be a fighter pilot.当战斗机飞行员需要有过人的胆量。The camaraderie that came with membership of a fighter squadron appears to have provided a degree of spiritual sustenance.同属一个飞行中队产生的战友情似乎在一定程度上成了精神支柱。The sirens sound a warning when fighter planes are sighted.一发现战斗机,警报器就会鸣响发出警告。The bombers were protected by a fighter escort.那些轰炸机由一群战斗机护航。The new fighter aircraft flies almost twice as fast as the old one.这种新式战斗机飞行速度比老式的几乎快一倍。He is a redoubtable fighter.他是一位可敬的战士。He is a tireless fighter against racism.他是一位不屈不挠的反种族歧视的斗士。The interceptor fighter needs a powerful thrust to achieve rapid climb and acceleration.歼击机需要强大的推力才能迅速爬升和加速。He had never met a more redoubtable fighter.他从未遇见过这样令人敬畏的斗士。The fighter had a strong, sinewy body.这个拳击手身体强壮,肌肉发达。Ralph Fiennes plays an idealistic freedom fighter.拉尔夫·法因斯扮演了一名理想主义的自由战士。The plane was brought down by a missile fired from a fighter jet.飞机被喷气战斗机发射的导弹击落。The decision rests entirely upon how good a fighter you think she is.作出什么决定,完全取决于你眼中的她是什么水平的拳击手。The fighter plane dived on the soldiers.战斗机朝着士兵俯冲下来。Male journalists have been sent into a tizzy by the idea of female fighter pilots.男记者们一想到女战斗机飞行员就感到又激动又紧张。Every fighter was either fighting or gulping fuel for another go.战斗机不是在作战就是在赶紧加油准备再战。The cruising speed of this new type of fighter is Mach two.这种新型战斗机的巡航速度为声速的两倍。Once again we came under attack from enemy fighter planes.我们再一次遭到敌人战斗机的攻击。The circuitry in this fighter aircraft has been protected against strong magnetic fields.这架战斗机的电路系统有防护装置,不会受强磁场的干扰。The fighter let drive a left to the jaw.拳击手用左拳击对方下巴。The fighter bombers streamed over the flotilla.战斗轰炸机在舰队上空迅速掠过。A fighter plane flew over.一架战斗机在空中掠过。A bulldog is a pertinacious fighter.斗牛犬咬斗起来是拼命的。All three fighter planes were intercepted and destroyed.三架战斗机都被拦截并击毁了。The fighter believes he can still regain some of his old magic.这位斗士相信自己仍然可以恢复从前的一些魔力。James is a fighter – he never gives up.詹姆斯是个顽强拼搏的人 — 他从不放弃。The government has now taken delivery of the new fighter planes.政府已接收交付的新战斗机。He was a sturdy fighter for racial equality.他是一个为种族平等而奋斗的坚强战士。From the start it was clear this tiny girl was a real fighter.这个一丁点儿大的小姑娘从一开始就显露出斗士的本色。The training is designed to sharpen the fighter's reflexes.这项训练是为了加快拳击手的反应速度。France refused to allow stockpiling of American atomicweapons on French soil for the Nato fighter-bomber force.法国拒绝在其领土上为北约组织的战斗轰炸机部队储备美国原子武器。The fighter planes that attacked the civilians used conventional as well as unconventional weapons.袭击那些平民的战斗机同时使用了常规和非常规武器。




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