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词汇 fee
例句 If your fee is too high, you may find that you've priced yourself out of the market. 如果你要价太高,你会发现没人雇你。The university waives the application fee for low-income students.那所大学免除了低收入家庭学生的报名费。Customers must pay a fee for being overdrawn on their accounts.若账户透支,储户须为此付费。Sometimes there's a flat fee for carrying out a particular task.有时执行某项特定的任务有固定的价码。The fee pays for garbage/trash pickup.这是收运垃圾的费用。Many tax advisers now offer fixed-fee interviews.现在许多税务顾问都提供收取固定费用的当面咨询服务。As you are aware, a fee will be charged annually.正如你所知道的那样,每年都要收取费用。His insurance covers the doctor's fee.他的保险包括给医生的服务费。The annual fee is simply an expense of doing business.年费只是做生意的一项开支。It is reasonable to expect members to pay a small fee.希望会员支付一点会员费是很合理的。Many of the artists in the show donated their fee to charity.参加演出的许多艺人将演出收入捐给慈善事业。The gallery charges a small entrance fee.该美术馆收取少量的入场费。He says that the new fee is really just a tax increase in disguise.他说新征费用实际上就是变相的增加税收。The full fee is payable on enrolment.所有费用在注册时缴付。For a small fee, anyone can use these facilities.任何人付少许费用即可使用这些设施。The bank assesses a fee for replacing lost credit cards.银行对补办丢失的信用卡要收费。There's a postage and packing fee in addition to the repair charge.除了维修费之外还有邮费和包装费。They take no fee. Indeed, they dip into their own pockets.他们不收费,甚而至于还自己掏腰包。DRM can ensure that programs distributed by internet are legal copies for which the copyright holder is being paid a fee.数字版权管理系统能保证通过互联网传送的程序为合法版本,版权持有人会因此获得付费。They pay a nominal fee.他们象征性地付一点费。Wyck's business consists of helping, for a fee, computer owners who are in a technical fix.怀克的业务是为电脑出现技术故障的人提供收费服务。They charge a fee for late payment.他们收取滞纳金。Guests at the camp can stay in private cabins or for a smaller fee in the dormitories.露营的客人可以住独立的营房,也可以住收费较低的集体宿舍。The fee is negotiable.费用可以商量。There's an additional fee/charge for returning the car a day late.晚一天还车要额外收费。The surgeon waived his fee.外科医生放弃了收费。His fee is a drop in the ocean compared with the real cost of broadcasting.与广播的真正成本相比,他的酬劳不过是九牛一毛。Some companies charge a fee up front, but we don't think that's right.有些公司预先收费,但我们认为那是不对的。You can withhold the fee until the work is complete. 你可以在完工之后付费。In many cases, the fee structure alone will exceed the tax benefits accrued.很多情况下,单是费用结构一项就会超过累积的税惠。Send the form, together with the appropriate fee, to this address.将表格连同应交的费用寄到这个地址。There is a fee for cancellation.注销需缴纳费用。Some actors can ask a fee of around $1,000,000 a movie.有些演员拍一部电影要价一百万美元左右。They charge a nominal fee for the service.他们只收取极少的服务费。He charged a small fee in consideration of his many services.他只收取了不多的费用作为他多项服务的报酬。We had to pay a stiff membership fee to join the health club.我们支付了一笔高昂的会费后才得以加入这家健康俱乐部。I had to pay a penalty fee when my cheque bounced.由于支票被银行拒付,我不得不付一笔罚金。The fee bears little relation to the service provided.这项收费与提供的服务没多大关系。You will be charged a late fee if the electric company does not receive your payment on time.如果电力公司没有按时收到你的付款,你将会被收取滞纳金。He has forfeited a lucrative fee but feels his well-being is more important.他主动放弃了可观的酬金,觉得自己的健康更加重要。




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