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例句 To have fought Paul on this would have risked ripping the family apart.在这一点上和保罗作斗争可能会使这个家庭破裂。There was a clear conflict of interest here between the Labour Party's financial interest and the Labour Government's duty to take decisions in the public interest.在这一点上,工党的经济利益和工党政府为公众利益决策的职责之间有明显的利害冲突。It would be dishonest to mislead people about this.在这一点上误导大家是欺骗行为。Are we all agreed on this?在这一点上我们的意见都一致吗?In this regard, the enterprise application itself must also have elastic characteristics.在这一点上,企业应用程序本身还必须具备弹性的特质。The law is silent on this point.在这一点上法律无明文规定。The modesty of this approach was surpassed only by its success.这种方法非常适度,在这一点上,其值得称道的地方仅次于其取得的成效。I expressed some uncertainty on the point.在这一点上表达了些许疑虑。I can't go along with you on this point.在这一点上我不能附和你的意见。If we can't agree on this point, the deal's off.如果我们不能在这一点上达成共识,这笔交易就会取消。We must just agree to disagree on this point.在这一点上,我们只能同意各自保留不同的意见。He is most insistent regarding this point.在这一点上最为坚持。At this point your logic is at fault.在这一点上你的推理是错误的。About that I think that your dear muddlehead gets confused.我认为在这一点上,你那糊涂脑袋给搅昏了。The law is as clear as mud on this point.在这一点上,法律规定非常模糊。The Americans are adamant that they will not budge on this point.美国人非常强硬,他们在这一点上是不会妥协的。You're not allowed to use a dictionary in this exam. The rules are quite clear on this point.这次考试不允许使用词典。在这一点上规定很明确。We disagree with them on the point.我们在这一点上与他们意见不合。The borders of Thailand, Laos and Burma all converge at this point.泰国、老挝和缅甸三国边境都在这一点相交。A critic might here perhaps return upon me with my own expressions.批评家可能会在这一点上用我自己的话来反驳我。I can't agree with you there.在这一点上我不能同意你的意见。It's here that we come up against the difference of approach.我们就是在这一点上面临方法上的分歧。Here Wordsworth's verse movement closely approaches that of Gray.在这一点上,华兹华斯的诗歌韵律在风格上和格雷的非常接近。Opinions on this are sharply divided.在这一点上大家分歧明显。You have the advantage of me there, I've never met the lady.在这一点上你比我强,我从来没见过那位女士。Things aren't looking so hot at this point.在这一点上,事情看起来不太好。Davies is a little off-message here, surely.毫无疑问,戴维斯在这一点上有些偏离政党既定政策。The experts are not unanimous on this point.在这一点上专家们意见不一。In this, she is in concurrence with everybody else.在这一点上,她和其他所有人意见一致。Here's where I completely disagree with you.在这一点上我完全不同意你的意见。They are basically in agreement on this point.在这一点上他们的意见基本一致。You will find that the dictionaries are out of date and mislead you on this point.你会发现这些词典太老旧了,在这一点上会误导你。I must respectfully disagree with her on this point.在这一点上我无法苟同她的意见。




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