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例句 He'll be here tomorrow from about seven o'clock onwards.明天大约七点钟以后他在这里It'll be here somewhere or other.它会在这里的某个地方。Can I just stop you there sir?.老师,我能不能在这里打断您一下?I live here now, but I've spent all my time up in Swaziland.我现在住在这里,但我几乎所有的时间都呆在斯威士兰。This knob goes here.这个球形把手要装在这里There's something about the Loire Valley that makes you want to savour every moment.卢瓦尔山谷有某种特殊气息,让人想要充分享受在这里的每时每刻。What we are witnessing here is human misery on a vast scale.我们在这里所目睹的是人类大规模的灾难。He realised his future lay elsewhere.他意识到他的未来不在这里She worked here on and off for several years.她断断续续地在这里工作了几年。Somebody go tell that son of a gun we're all waiting here.谁去告诉那个家伙,我们全都在这里等着呢。My father was in the U.S. army over here.我父亲在这里的美国陆军服役。I didn't think to see you here.我没想到会在这里看见你。It's my house and I can do whatever I want here.这是我的家,我在这里想做什么就能做什么。I'll be here all day Friday, so when would be a good time to meet?周五我一整天都在这里,那么几点见面合适?Are you here for business or pleasure?在这里是工作还是来玩?The river narrows a little here.在这里变窄了一点。I suppose this is as good a place as any to stay.我看呆在这里也不错。I'm here for one term, on an exchange with Dr. Fisher.在这里呆一个学期,与费希尔博士进行交流。Since the bean counters took over the radio station, it's become a boring place to work.自从那些只知道算计钱的家伙接手电台以后,在这里工作就没劲了。Pedestrians have the right-of-way here.在这里行人有路权。Hi, I've come to pick up a suit I left on Tuesday.嗨,我来拿星期二留在这里的外套。We're supposed to be running a business here. I've got work to do.我们在这里应该是要经营公司。我有一堆的事情要做。I think you should stay here until you've sobered up.我觉得你应留在这里,等清醒了再走。Could you sign your name here, please?请您在这里签字。We consider it an honor to have you here with us tonight.今晚有你在这里和我们一起,我们感到是种荣幸。The books are not here.这些书不在这里A lot of foreigners work here illegally.许多外国人在这里非法打工。I think if she were given the opportunity to work here, she'd pounce on it.我觉得如果给她机会在这里工作,她会欣然接受的。He must have taken the book since it isn't here.他一定是把书拿走了,因为书已不在这里了。The troops are here to perform peacekeeping duties.军队在这里执行维和任务。How many years have you been here?.在这里有多少年了?I'd dropped a hint about having an exhibition of his work up here.关于他的作品展将要在这里举办,我已经给了暗示。Click here to connect to the Internet.在这里点击一下和因特网连接。He's lived here a long time.他住在这里很久了。What do you do for laughs here?你们在这里作何消遣?We're stuck here for an indefinite period of time.我们困在这里不知道多长时间了。I was born and raised here.在这里出生、长大。You can't see from here, but they're out there.在这里看不见,但他们确实在外面。Life here does not seem to end, only the melodious melody, only the jumping notes.生命在这里似乎没有了终点,只有悠扬的旋律,只有跳跃的音符。Most people do stop at this point, not envisioning that there is anything beyond.大多数人确实都在这里停下,想象不到在这之外还会有些什么。




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