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例句 I must beg to differ on this point.在这点上,恕我不敢苟同。We were in basic agreement on this point.在这点上我们的意见基本一致。I can see I'm no match for you on this.我明白在这点上我比不过你。It is difficult to disagree with the chairman on this point.在这点上很难与主席持不同意见。I'll bear you out on that point.在这点上我支持你。The Court has repeatedly refused to bend on this point.法院再三拒绝在这点上予以让步。He is most insistent on this point.在这点上很坚持。Now just a second, I don't altogether agree with you there.且慢,我在这点上并不完全赞同你的观点。I will defer to Mr Walters on this point.在这点上,我会听沃尔特先生的。




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