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词汇 ancestors
例句 Many millions of years ago, our ancestors climbed out of the primeval ooze onto dry land.很久很久以前,我们的祖先从远古时代的泥淖登上了干燥的陆地。Humans evolved from arboreal ancestors.人类的远祖是树栖动物。He claims as his literary ancestors such giants as Henry James and William Faulkner.他将亨利・詹姆斯和威廉・福克纳等文学巨匠称作自己的先驱。He was buried with the dust of his ancestors.他同祖先的遗骸葬在一起。She believes she will meet her ancestors in the afterlife.她相信她死后会遇到自己的先人。He realized how narrow the gap was that separated him from his pagan ancestors.他意识到自己与异教徒祖先之间的差别是如此之小。Our ancestors were great walkers, right back to the Ice Age and beyond.我们的祖先早在冰河时代之前就已经善于行走了。Our earliest ancestors lived in a world fraught with danger.我们最早的祖先生活在一个充满危险的世界里。They honour / honor their ancestors and believe in the spirits of nature.他们尊重先辈,信仰自然神灵。The Romans built these monuments to glorify their illustrious ancestors.罗马人修建这些纪念碑来颂扬他们杰出的祖先。Our ancestors trod this same path.我们的祖先曾经走过这同一条道路。His ancestors had been expelled from the Iberian Peninsula during the Spanish Inquisition.在西班牙宗教裁判所期间,他的祖先被从伊比利亚驱逐了出去。These stories were bequeathed to us by our ancestors.这些故事是由我们祖辈传下来的。Each year on this date we commemorate our ancestors with a special ceremony.每年这一天我们都以特别的仪式来缅怀我们的祖先。Our ancestors ochred pictures of bison on their cave walls.我们的祖先用赭色在洞穴墙壁上画了野牛图。Their ancestors are buried in the local cemetery.他们的先辈葬在当地的公墓。Our ancestors lived in caves and survived by hunting and foraging for food.我们的祖先住在山洞里,靠打猎和觅食生存下来。He can trace his ancestors back to the reign of Elizabeth I.他的祖先可以追溯到伊丽莎白一世统治时期。It's easier to trace ancestors if you know their birth or death dates.如果知道祖先的生卒日期,追溯起来就容易多了。He invented fictional ancestors and a family history to impress the girls.他杜撰了一些祖先的名字和一个家族历史来打动那些女孩子。His ancestors ascend to the 15th century.他的祖先可上溯到十五世纪。They spoke of the old traditions of their ancestors in a scornful voice.他们以轻蔑的口吻谈论祖先的老传统。Her ancestors were enslaved during the war.她的祖先在战争期间被奴役。The programme looks through the mists of time to examine the lives of our earliest ancestors.这个节目透过时间的迷雾审视我们最早的祖先的生活。The area my ancestors come from borders on the Atacama Desert.我的祖先来自毗连阿塔卡马沙漠的地区。Our ancestors had it rough compared to us.与我们相比,我们的祖先生活艰难。She felt a strong link with/to her ancestors.她感觉到自己与祖先的密切关系。They no longer follow the traditions of their ancestors.他们不再遵循祖先的传统。Our internal wiring has not changed much since the time of our hairy ancestors.从我们的多毛祖先以来,我们的体内神经网络并没有发生多少变化。Our ancestors groped their way through the mists of ignorance and superstition.我们的祖先在无知与迷信的迷雾中摸索着走过来了。History books do not tell us much about the domestic lives of our ancestors.历史书籍里对于我们祖先家庭生活方面的事记载得不多。We live less strenuous lives than our ancestors.我们的生活不像先辈那样艰苦。This creature has reverted permanently to the aquatic life of its ancestors.这种生物经回复突变已像祖先那样永久在水中生活了。It is sacrilegious to call your ancestors directly by their names.直接对你的祖先称名道姓是不敬的。Her ancestors had felt a closeness to the soil.她的祖辈对务农有种亲切感。During the festival of Obon, Japanese show respect to their dead ancestors.在盂兰盆节期间,日本人祭祀亡故的祖先。The people in the village still observe the ancient customs/traditions of their ancestors.村里的人们仍然遵循着祖辈古老的习俗/传统。They found her at the bottom of her garden, conjuring up the spirits of her ancestors.他们发现她在花园的深处祈求她的祖先显灵。Dinosaurs were probably the first ancestors of amphibious reptiles and fish.恐龙很可能是两栖爬行动物和鱼类的始祖。There were portraits of his ancestors on the walls of the room.房间墙壁上挂着他祖先的画像。




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