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词汇 行李箱
例句 What's in the trunk?行李箱里有什么?What on earth have you got in this suitcase? It weighs a ton!你这行李箱里到底放了什么呀?重得要命呀!Have you packed your suitcase yet?你收拾好行李箱了吗?I opened up my suitcase to show them what was inside.我打开行李箱给他们看里面装的东西。The zipper was stuck and we couldn't open the suitcase.拉链卡住了,我们打不开行李箱Harris got a rope from the car boot.哈里斯从汽车行李箱里拿出一条绳子。She arrived at the airport carrying two huge suitcases.她带着两个巨大的行李箱到达机场。Remember to put some address labels on the suitcases.别忘了把地址标签贴在行李箱上。I don't think all that will go in the suitcase.我觉得行李箱里放不下全部的东西。These will fit neatly into the compact luggage compartments.这些东西装进小行李箱的格子里正合适。I like to travel light, without the encumbrance of a heavy suitcase.我喜欢轻装上路,没有沉重行李箱的拖累。All our suitcases are lockable.我们的行李箱都可以上锁。The new model has a bigger boot.这辆新款车的行李箱更大。She began to lug her suitcase up the stairs.她开始把她的行李箱拖上楼。He crammed the suitcase with his clothes.他把行李箱中塞满了衣物。The Bora is a family car with a capacious boot.宝来是一款有着宽敞行李箱的家用轿车。The spare wheel was right at the back of the boot under a load of suitcases, so it took me ages to get it out.备用轮胎放在车后面行李箱内的一大堆皮箱底下,所以我花了很长时间才把它取出来。Will these clothes go in your suitcase? 这些衣服能装进你的行李箱吗?There's plenty of room in the boot for your luggage.车后的行李箱有足够的空间装你的行李。He threw away all the junk in the boot of the car.他把汽车行李箱中所有废弃的旧物都扔了出去。Put your suitcase in the trunk.把你的手提箱放在行李箱里。The TV was too bulky to fit into the boot of her car.电视机太大,装不进她汽车的行李箱She trundled her suitcase into the room.她慢慢地将行李箱拖进房内。He got tired of living out of a suitcase and left his job as a sales rep.他厌倦了提着行李箱出差在外的生活,于是辞掉了销售代表的工作。All our things stayed in our suitcase, as if we might have to leave at a moment's notice.所有东西都放进行李箱了,好像一经通知我们就要马上离开似的。We crammed our stuff into the boot.我们把东西塞进汽车行李箱里。We waited miserably, lamenting the fact that our suitcases had been put on the wrong plane.我们愁眉苦脸地等着,因为行李箱被托运到另一架飞机上而抱怨不已。In the boot of the car, I find the puncture-repair kit and take out the jack.我在汽车的行李箱里找到补胎工具包,并拿出千斤顶。She pushed her bulging suitcase under the chair.她推了一下放在椅子下面那个鼓鼓的行李箱He slammed the trunk shut.他砰地关上了行李箱I piled all my clothes into one suitcase.我把所有的衣服塞进了一个行李箱Troll's exclusive, personalized luggage is made to our own exacting specifications in heavy-duty PVC/nylon.特罗尔专用的、个性化的行李箱是按照我们自己严格的规格要求用耐用聚氯乙烯/尼龙材料定制的。The zip was stuck and we couldn't open the suitcase.拉链卡住了,我们打不开行李箱The drugs had been hidden in a suitcase with a false bottom.毒品被藏在一个行李箱里,那行李箱有一层假底。I helped her stow her bags in the boot of the car.我帮她将包放进汽车行李箱里。Give me the trunk key and I'll get the spare.行李箱的钥匙给我,我去拿一下备胎。Jeremy corded up my trunk.杰里米帮我绑好了行李箱The suitcases were now safely stowed away in the back of the truck.行李箱现已安全地放在了卡车后部。You'll never manage that suitcase; let me take it.那只行李箱你提不动,让我来吧。I can't get this suitcase to open.我没法打开这个行李箱




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