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词汇 行星
例句 Massive amounts of the gas have escaped from the planet into space.这种气体从该行星大量逸出进入太空。We now know a lot more about the early stages of planetary formation.我们现在对行星形成过程的早期阶段有了更多的了解。Gravity is the force that makes the planets move around the sun.引力是使行星绕太阳公转的力。Pluto was once regarded as the solar system's most far-out planet.冥王星曾被认为是太阳系里最远的行星Satellites revolve around their planets.卫星绕着各自的行星运转。The comet was on a collision course with the planet.那颗彗星有可能与这颗行星相撞。The book explains the formation of the planets.这本书讲解了行星的形成过程。The planet is probably in orbit around a small star.这颗行星可能是绕着一颗小恒星运行。The orbits of the planets are almost circular, but not quite.行星的轨道几乎是圆的,但不完全是。These chemicals could indicate the presence of water on the planet.这些化学物质可能表明这颗行星上有水。The planets follow almost circular orbits around the sun.行星围绕太阳运行的轨道近乎圆形。Jupiter has the distinction of being the largest planet.木星的特点在于它是太阳系中最大的行星Only two of the planets could sustain life.只有两颗行星具备使生命存活下去的条件。The planets move around the sun.行星绕著太阳转。The planet's atmosphere cannot support human life.这颗行星的大气层无法维持人类生存。Images of the planet are sent by satellite.人造卫星发送了该行星的图像。She believes there is life on other planets.她相信其他行星上有生命存在。By convention, planets are named after Roman gods.根据惯例,行星是以罗马神话中诸神的名字命名的。The newly discovered planets around distant stars are similar to Jupiter in size.远处星球附近新发现的一些行星和木星差不多大小。With the telescope we can see details of the planet's surface that are ordinarily invisible.我们可以借助望远镜看到这颗行星表面通常看不到的细微之处。The planet rotates in the same direction as its revolution around the sun.这颗行星沿着绕太阳旋转的相同方向自转。Travel to other planets may soon be possible.去其他行星旅行也许很快就会成为可能。Students learned to approximate the distance between the Earth and the planets.学生们学会了估算地球与行星之间的大概距离。The planet is sometimes hard to see and sometimes not. 这颗行星有时很难看到,有时则很容易。The sun and the planets are heavenly bodies.太阳和行星都是天体。They are looking for signs of intelligent life on other planets.他们正在寻找其他行星上智慧生命的迹象。Some planets have a moon. Moons orbit their planet.一些行星有一个卫星,卫星围绕着他们的行星转。He posited that each planet moved in a perfect circle.他认为每颗行星沿正圆轨道运行。Is there intelligent life on other planets?其他行星上存在外星生命吗?Saturn, the ringed planet土星,带光环的行星The planets have different atmospheres.这些行星有不同的大气层。The planet appeared as a dazzling silver crescent.那颗行星看起来像一个令人眩目的银色月牙。The newly discovered world followed an orbital path unlike that of any other planet.新发现的这个天体具有不同于任何其他行星的运行轨道。How many planets orbit the sun?有多少颗行星绕着太阳转?The ancients believed that the sun and moon were planets.古人认为太阳和月亮都是行星The space explorers were beamed onto the surface of the planet.太空探索者被飞速送到了那颗行星上。Pluto is the utmost known planet in our solar system.冥王星是太阳系中已知的最远的一颗行星We see the stars and planets as tiny points of light.我们看来恒星和行星就是一个个小亮点。The planet probably has a molten core.行星的核心可能是熔岩。The photos show a shallow depression on the planet's surface.照片显示行星表面有一处浅浅的凹陷。




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