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She felt fortunate in being able to please herself where she lived.在自己住的地方能随心所欲,她觉得很幸运。She thought she was safe from prying eyes and could do as she wished.她觉得自己不会被偷窥,可以随心所欲。He condemned the descriptivist view of language as an "Anything Goes" school.他把语言描写主义观点斥为一种“随心所欲”的做派。Boylan plays with language, letting the prose sprawl about before tightening it suddenly to great effect.博伊兰随心所欲地驾驭着语言,先是任文章自由铺展,然后猛地收住,产生了绝佳的效果。We were young and happy, and the world was our oyster.我们那时年轻快乐,随心所欲。As long as he got his own way, he was a happy child.只要他能随心所欲,他就是一个快乐的孩子。In one's own home one can act how one likes.在自己家里可以随心所欲。No earthly sovereign can do what he pleases.尘世间没有一个君主能随心所欲地行事。They don’t hold with letting children watch as much TV as they want.他们不同意让孩子们随心所欲地看电视。But I can cry like nobody's business.但是我能随心所欲地哭。He was exercising the privileges of an old man to be as rude as he liked.他正在倚老卖老,随心所欲地耍横。The fans complained about the apparently arbitrary distribution of tickets for the next game.球迷们抱怨下一场比赛门票的分发显然是随心所欲的。They seemed to score at will in the final period and the Knicks won going away.在比赛最后阶段,他们打得十分顺利,仿佛随心所欲地得分,最终,尼克斯队大获全胜。In matters of dress she followed her personal inclinations rather than fashion.在穿着方面她随心所欲,并不追逐时尚。He picked people on a whim, without rhyme or reason.他选人时总是随心所欲,毫无根据。You have passed the first hurdle and the world is your oyster.你已克服了第一个障碍,你可随心所欲了。With Hollywood at his feet, Soderbergh was free to do whatever he wanted.好莱坞已彻底被索德伯格征服,因此他可以随心所欲做任何事情。He can be a bit of an awkward customer if he doesn't get his own way.他不能随心所欲的时候就会变得有点难缠。As popular as he is, the President hasn't always managed to have his own way.尽管总统很受拥戴,但他也并非总能随心所欲。He is under the misapprehension that he can do what he chooses.他错误地认为可以随心所欲。A serf could be imprisoned at a master's whim.农奴主可以随心所欲地关押农奴。She is very good at using her charm to get her way.她非常善于利用自己的魅力随心所欲。We do not have the freedom to do just what we like.我们不可以随心所欲。Men feel perfectly free to pronounce on the way women should look.男人们觉得可随心所欲地对女人的相貌品头论足。They always indulged their grandchildren's whims. 他们总是听任孙辈随心所欲。She lets us do anything, even bounce on our beds.她放任我们随心所欲,甚至连我们在床上蹦跳她也不管。She was allowed to do her own thing as long as she kept in touch by phone.只要她保持电话联系,她就可以随心所欲地生活。Everyone was subject to the whim of the sheikh.所有人都听命于酋长,由着他随心所欲。When the children are away, I can just please myself.等孩子们走后,我可以随心所欲。Some people seem to let their kids do whatever they like.一些人似乎允许自己的孩子随心所欲。A lot of the girls envied me my independent, freewheeling life.许多女孩子羡慕我那种随心所欲的独立生活。He did what he wanted according to caprice.他做事情随心所欲。They broke into the shop and helped themselves to the stock.他们破门而入随心所欲地窃取店里的货品。He chose people on a whim, without rhyme or reason.他选人时总是随心所欲,毫无道理可言。She was happy to leave him to his own devices.她乐于听任他随心所欲。Time spent at Jumby Bay can be as energetic or as languid as you wish.来琼比湾消磨时光,动静皆宜,尽可随心所欲。The director had a lot of creative freedom on this project; the film's backers essentially handed him a blank check. 导演在这部影片的创作上有很大的自由,赞助商基本上让他随心所欲。The way the programme of events is organized seems completely arbitrary to me.在我看来,这次活动的安排完全是随心所欲的。Don't let the children always get their own way.不要让孩子总是随心所欲。Through sheer force of personality Hugh Trenchard had got his way.休·特伦查德完全凭着个人魅力就能随心所欲。 |