例句 |
There was something in his offhand remarks.他随口说出的话里倒也有些道理。I didn't mean any offence. It was a flippant, off-the-cuff remark.我并无冒犯之意。那只是随口说出的一句轻率话。These words were uttered spontaneously, without premeditation.这些话都是不假思索随口说出来的,没有经过事先斟酌。She rattled off the address and telephone number.她随口说出了地址和电话号码。Is this just a figure she plucked out of the air?这是否仅仅是她随口说出的数字?I gave that figure off the top of my head, knowing it might not be completely accurate.那个数字是我随口说出来的,我知道可能不太精确。 |