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A car and driver were placed at my disposal.有辆配司机的车子供我随意支配。We now have a community where kids and adults can go to the park unmolested.在我们现在的社区,大人小孩都可以随意进出公园。These large institutions make — and change—the rules to suit themselves.这些大机构总是随意制定规定,而且说变就变。You are free to criticize my work.你可以随意批评我的工作。She has been indiscriminate in choosing her friends.她择友一向很随意。She had a purposeful air, and it became evident that this was not a casual visit.她一副无事不登三宝殿的神情,很明显,这不是一次随意造访。You shouldn't leave bottles of pills lying around the house.你不应把一瓶瓶药在房子里随意乱扔。The names were listed in no particular order.名单是随意排列的。We have a relaxed dress code at the office.我们上班的着装规定比较随意。Length of the headphone cable are free to control.耳机线的长度可以随意控制。He refused with an airy wave of his hand.他随意摆了摆手拒绝了。Their huge majority means they can put through virtually any legislation they want.他们占大多数意味着他们实际上可以随意通过任何法案。The wheelchair gives him the freedom to go out on his own.借助轮椅他可以随意独自外出。Opponents of the regime had been subject to arbitrary detention.政府中的反对派人士被随意拘留。She spoke in a quiet conversational tone.她说话的口气很随意。He made a casual remark about the food.他随意评论了一下这些食物。She made a desultory attempt at conversation.她只是随意聊聊而已。Casual conversation tends to be filled with repetition.随意的交谈中常常有许多重复的话。He overdressed for such a casual party.对于这种随意的聚会他穿得太过正式了。The lives of many young gay people are ruined by unthinking and widespread homophobia in society.许多年轻同性恋者的一生被社会中广泛存在的对同性恋者随意的憎恨毁了。The writing is slapdash.这篇文章写得仓促随意。As seminars go, these are loose, unstructured affairs.和多数研讨会一样,这些研讨会也比较松散随意。Swing your arms loosely at your sides.让你的手臂在身体两侧随意摆动。Her informal manner seemed wholly/entirely inappropriate to/for the occasion.她的随意举止似乎完全不适宜这种场合。It's the end of the school year, when schools turn students loose on our towns.学年结束,学校放假期间学生们在我们各个镇上随意活动。She writes with a chatty style.她的写作风格轻松随意。Help yourselves to sandwiches.请你们自己随意拿三文治吃。The farmers let the horses range freely.农夫让马匹随意走来走去。Make any changes that you think desirable.你可以随意改动,只要你觉得值得。There was something a little too carefully casual in his tone.他的语气里有一点儿故作随意的味道。The house has an informal atmosphere.房间里有一种轻松随意的氛围。You have the freedom of my house and gardens.你可以随意到我家和花园来玩。The garden has an informal feel to soften the architectural lines of the conservatory.花园有一种随意的风格,从而使温室的建筑轮廓显得柔和了。There is no service charge and tipping is at your discretion.我们不收服务费,小费您随意。The General seems to have been given carte blanche to attack whatever civilian targets he wants.将军似乎获授予全权,可以随意袭击任何平民目标。The books were placed randomly on the shelf.书籍被随意放在书架上。Very well, please yourself.好吧,你自己随意。You can use my car freely.你可以随意用我的车。One of his comments jarred with the informality of the occasion.他的评论中有一句话与这种场合的随意气氛很不协调。He is horrified by the apparent arbitrariness by which she sets the prices.她定价时看上去很随意,令他大吃一惊。 |