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例句 Then they call out our names in order and we answer yes or no.随后,他们依次点我们的名字,我们则回答到与否。Michael was given a complete going-over and then treated for glandular fever.迈克尔接受了全面体检,随后又进行了腺热治疗。The ensuing months have been fraught with difficulties.随后的几个月一直困难重重。She was unjustly accused of stealing money and then given the sack.她受到不公正指控,说她偷盗钱财,随后即遭解雇。The trait is apparent in succeeding generations.这个特性在随后几代很明显。They climbed the ladder and pulled it up after them.他们爬上梯子,随后把梯子拉了上去。The car took a lurch forward but grounded in a deep rut.车子猛地向前动了一下,但是随后就陷在一条深深的车辙里了。An appeals court later reversed the conviction.上诉法庭随后推翻了这一判决。Scholars discredited his findings as unsubstantiated in any of the later myths and legends.学者们认为,他的发现未经随后任何神话和传奇的证实,不可信。The situation deteriorated over the ensuing weeks.随后几周里形势恶化了。When the following two French riders faulted, Ian moved into second.随后的两名法国骑手出现失误时,伊恩上升至第二位。Later it will become cloudy with rain in places.随后将转阴,局部地区有雨。They went to all the expense of redecorating the house and then they moved.他们花了那么多钱重新装修房子,可随后就搬家了。I said no and we got into a big argument.我说不行,随后我们大吵了一架。Then life started to get back to normal.随后生活又恢复了正常。The soldiers had to remain in a deathtrap salient for most of the rest of the war.随后的战争中,士兵们大部分时间只能呆在最危险的突出阵地里。She started asking him a question, but then her voice trailed off.她开始向他提出一个问题,但随后她的声音越来越小,最后不作声了。Don't worry, your luggage will come on afterwards by taxi.别担心,你的行李随后会由出租车送过来。In the weeks that followed, his health continued to improve.随后几个星期,他的健康状况在不断改善。Bradley spent the next two years doing missionary work.布拉德利在随后的两年中从事传教工作。The pair were then bundled off to a neighbour's house by waiting police.留守的警察随后把夫妇俩打发到邻居家去了。Taylor explains his theory in the pages that follow.泰勒在随后的几页里对他的理论作了解释。Later, back at the office, the phone rang.随后,办公室里的电话响了。The metal can then be painted in the usual way.这种金属随后可按惯常方式上漆。Then he spoke, in a voice that pierced the thick air.随后他开始讲话,洪亮的声音划破了窒闷的空气。In the ensuing fighting, two students were killed.随后的打斗中,有两位学生送了命。Then she gave us the concerned mother bit.随后她像母亲一般为我们担心起来。First came the student speeches, and the presentation of awards followed.首先是学生发言,随后是颁奖。Those comments were later disowned by an official army spokesman.这些话随后遭到了军方一位官方发言人的否认。They could only leave their pond for a few minutes before they began to shrivel up and die.它们只能离开池塘几分钟,随后就开始枯萎并死去。The election resulted in a hung parliament, followed by the resignation of the prime minister.大选结果是无任何党派在议会中占据优势,随后首相宣布辞职。The data is then sent on to the Census Bureau.那些数据资料随后又转送到统计局。We'll discuss where to meet later.我们会商量随后在哪儿会面。Next he addressed himself to the chairman.随后他对主席讲了话。Eyewitnesses say the police then opened fire on the crowd.目击者称警察随后向人群开火。The trainees will then be paired with experienced managers.培训生随后将会与经验丰富的管理人员结成对子。The disease subsequently spread to the rest of the country.疾病随后蔓延到这个国家的其他地方。He's here. As far as the others, they'll arrive later. 他来了。至于其他人,他们随后就会到。The book was banned in the US, as were two subsequent books.这本书在美国遭禁,随后出版的两本也是一样。The embassy official claimed diplomatic immunity and was later released.那名使馆官员申请外交豁免,随后被释放了。




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