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词汇 favours
例句 The weather favours the Australians, who are used to playing in the heat.天气情况对澳大利亚队有利,他们习惯在热天打球。It is illegal for public officials to solicit gifts or money in exchange for favours.公职人员收受贿赂、以权谋私是违法的。Fortune favours the brave.运气眷顾勇者。She's rather too free with her favours, from what I hear.我听说,她在男女关系上非常随便。He's not one of the pukka types she usually favours.他不是她通常喜欢的那种文质彬彬的人。He has openly said that he favours decriminalizing soft drugs.他公开说过他赞成把软毒品合法化。The Tory candidate and his supporters wore blue favours.英国保守党候选人及其支持者戴蓝色的徽章。Interestingly, it is not clear which solution he favours.有趣的是,还不清楚他喜欢哪个办法。These are gestures of genuine friendship with no favours expected in return.这些都是真挚友谊的表示,并不期待任何回报。The president is predisposed towards negotiation and favours a peaceful way of resolving the crisis.总统更倾向于谈判,支持以和平的方式解决危机。Rodrigo accepted the favours bestowed on him by the new king.罗德里戈接受了新任国王赐予他的恩赏。None of them is expecting any favours, just a fair crack of the whip.他们谁也不期望受到任何特殊照顾,只希望机会均等。In her extreme youth, Maria had sold her sexual favours for money.玛丽亚在非常年轻的时候,曾靠卖淫来赚钱。When searching for a job Adrian favours networking and writing letters on spec.找工作的时候,阿德里安喜欢通过上网和写信去碰运气。She's always doing favours for us. The least we can do is help her out now.她总是在帮助我们,现在我们可以做的最起码是帮她一把。Everyone favours the simplification of court procedures.人人都赞成简化法庭程序。I don't expect any favours from my friends on the tennis court.我不指望我的朋友在网球场上给我什么照顾。Politicians often retire to money, cashing in on favours done while they were in office.政治家们往往在退出政界后转而去搞钱,把在位时放出的人情债一一收回来。He was found guilty of selling secrets in return for sexual favours.他因出卖机密来进行性交易而被裁定有罪。She favours tough economic policies.她倾向于硬性经济政策。You're not doing yourself any favours by going to work in that state.在那种状态下去上班对自己没有什么好处。The government favours continuing the present hardline policies.政府倾向于将目前的强硬政策延续下去。Low interest rates don't do savers any favours.低利率对于储户没有一点好处。The report strongly favours reform of the electoral system.报告强烈支持对选举制度进行改革。Roger favours a spirit of avant-garde boldness.罗杰偏爱前卫创新精神。There had been gifts of money but never payments for sexual favours.有人赠送过钱,但绝没有情色交易。




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