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例句 He stepped in and took charge.出面担起责任。She stepped in before a fight could start.出面阻止了一场打斗的发生。If she now trots me out, they will all be looking at me.如果她现在让我出面,他们都会看着我的。Parents have stepped in to provide homework help in the afternoon program.在下午活动安排中,家长们出面在家庭作业方面提供帮助。We're hoping we can get more senators to oppose the legislation.我们希望能够争取到更多的参议员出面阻止该立法。There were rumours that key witnesses had been paid off to keep quiet.传言说关键证人都被收买,不肯出面作证。The ambassador intervened personally on behalf of the children.大使代表孩子们亲自出面处理此事。The official showed up to tell her to turn in her library books.那名管理人员出面让她返还所借图书馆的书。The government may step in to settle the disagreement between the union and the employers.政府可能会出面干预,解决工会和雇主之间的纠纷。Leaders urged people to turn out in large numbers to repudiate the violence.领导们力劝人们集体出面反对暴力。Cautious by nature, Simpkin was reluctant to interfere.辛普金天性谨慎,不愿意出面干预。The referee intervened when two of the players started to fight.两名球员打起来的时候,裁判出面调停。The Wednesday deadline passed without any communication from the rebel leader.星期三的最后期限已经过了,叛乱分子的头目尚未出面联络。The thing has to be organized on an international level.此事必须由国际机构出面组织。There was a contention among them who should do the honours of the house.他们几个都抢着要代表全家出面接待客人。UN troops intervened to avert a threat of violent conflict.联合国部队出面干预,以避免发生暴力冲突的危险。At yesterday's auction an old coin sold for many times more than its face value.在昨天的拍卖会上,一枚古币以高出面值许多倍的价格售出。Someone has to formally identify the body.必须有人出面正式确认死者的身份。I'm really grateful to you for stepping in.我非常感激您能出面解决。When she started borrowing my clothes without asking, I had to put my foot down.她开始连问都不问就把我的衣服借走的时候,我不得不出面制止。Eventually the teenager's behaviour got so bad that the police had to be called in.最后,这名少年的行为变得非常恶劣,只得请警察出面了。The State must step in to protect children.国家必须出面保护儿童。The government stepped in to limit car imports from other countries.政府出面干预,限制从其他国家进口汽车。Sometimes central banks intervene to smooth out price fluctuations.有时候中央银行会出面干预平息物价波动。He trots out his lawyer to deny the allegations.他让自己的律师出面否认这些指控。There are circumstances in which the State must step in to protect children.有些情况下,国家必须出面保护儿童。The President intervened to head off the conflict.总统出面阻止冲突发生。The Prime Minister has intervened personally.总理亲自出面干预。Frequently he was called upon to resolve conflicts.不断有人要求他出面解决冲突。




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