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词汇 analogy
例句 He drew an analogy between mathematics and language.他把数学和语言作类比。He uses the analogy of the family to explain the role of the state.他以家庭作类比来解释国家的作用。What follows is an admittedly imperfect analogy...下面是一个确实不算恰如其分的类比⋯⋯He cast back in his mind to the fiction of his own region for a helpful analogy.他回忆自己所写的小说,以寻找有用的类比。We can understand this theory by analogy with human beings.我们用人来作类比就能理解这个理论了。I see no analogy between your problem and mine.我认为你我面临的问题并无相似之处。He drew/made an analogy between flying a kite and fishing. 他将放风筝和钓鱼进行了类比。A close analogy with the art of singing can be made.可以用歌唱艺术作一个很切近的类比。The Wild West analogy does not fit here.西大荒的类比用在这儿不合适。Argument from analogy is not always valid.类比得出的结论并不总是能站住脚。Another kind of illegitimate argument is based on analogy between one area of grammar and another.另一类不合逻辑的论证是基于语法领域之间的类比的。There's no analogy between his position and yours.他的见解与你的并无相似之处。She drew an analogy between childbirth and the creative process.她将生孩子与创造过程作类比。It is probably easier to make an analogy between the courses of the planets, and two trains travelling in the same direction.将行星的运行比作两列火车朝同一方向行驶可能更容易些。The computer is a useful analogy for the brain.计算机是人脑很恰当的类比物。There is an analogy here with the way an engine works.这个与发动机的工作原理类似。Deductions based on analogy are frequently open to doubt.根据类比作出的演绎推论常易引起质疑。The teacher drew an analogy between the human heart and a pump.老师把人类的心脏和泵作类比。She drew an analogy between running the economy and a housewife's weekly budget.她用家庭主妇一周的预算类比管理经济。She suggested an analogy between the human heart and a pump.她打了个比喻,把人的心脏比作一个泵。Their reasoning is based on a false analogy.他们的推理是基于一个错误的类比。The author explained the movement of light by analogy with that of water.作者透过对水的运动的类比来解释光的运动。




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