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词汇 facts
例句 Just stick to the facts.只要坚持事实就行。He should check his facts before sounding off.他应该弄清楚事实才发表高论。The report confines itself to known and verifiable facts.这篇报道的内容只限于可以核实的已知事实。You need to be sure of your facts before making any accusations.你提出指控之前需要对自己所掌握的事实有把握。You need to get your facts straight.你需要搞清楚实际情况。We need hard facts not just interesting theories.我们需要的是确凿的事实,而不仅仅是有趣的理论。We need to be able to sift out the facts from all the rumours.我们要能从各类传闻中筛选出事实真相。He sketched in a few more facts about the case.他为这一事例提供了更多一些事实。His version of events just isn't borne out by the facts.他对事件的说法并未得到证实。The story agrees with the facts.报道和事实相符。He gave her the facts, without including any elaboration.他把事实告诉了她,但没有涉及任何细节。The judge weighed all the facts carefully before reaching a verdict.法官在作出判决之前,认真地权衡了所有的事实。A good reporter will pursue a story until he or she knows all the facts.好的记者会深入调查事件,直到弄清所有真相。Whatever the terms used, the facts are plain enough.无论使用怎样的措辞,事实都是非常清楚的。This debate is becoming too abstract - let's have some hard facts!这场辩论变得太空洞了,拿出一些具体的事实根据来吧!His second statement agrees with facts as stated by the other witnesses.他的第二份供述与其他目击证人所陈述的事实相符。I think you need to check your facts.我认为你需要核对事实。It is important for us to note three basic facts.我们要注意三个基本事实,这很重要。In her closing remarks, the judge urged the jury to consider the facts only.法官在结语中提请陪审团只考虑事实。A few new facts came out at the trial.审判过程中有一些新的事实被披露。My duty as a police officer is to find out the facts and communicate them to the proper people.身为警察,我的职责是找出事实真相,并与相关人员联系。Many facts underlie my decision.我的决定是以许多事实为根据的。The book is full of interesting facts about plant life.这本书中全都是有关植物生命的有趣事情。He gave a bald statement of the facts.他对事实作了枯燥无味的陈述。Here are a few facts and figures I culled from the reports the team produced.这是我从团队报告中挑选出来的一些资料和数据。The facts are undisputed.事实是不容争辩的。He first had to get hold of some basic facts.他首先得弄清一些基本事实。Bernstein was convinced that an organized effort had been made to conceal the facts of the case.伯恩斯坦深信,他们是有计划地隐瞒实情的。It was impossible to camouflage the facts.要掩盖事实是不可能的。The truth of the facts produced may be open to doubt.所摆出事实的真实性仍然值得怀疑。The historical movie Braveheart fiddled with the facts.历史题材电影《勇敢的心》歪曲了事实。Her story disagrees with the facts of the case.她说的情况与案件的事实不符。The facts of the case are quite straightforward.案件的真相非常明了。The lawyer took a few days to acquaint herself with the facts of a case.律师花了几天时间了解案情。The Editor decided not to run the story until all the facts were known.主编决定待一切水落石出之后再作报道。If you strip away all the rhetoric, you're left with an opinion that isn't backed up by facts.如果你剥掉所有说辞,剩下的就是一个没有证据支持的观点而已。The students are being spoon-fed facts and dates without having any opportunity for discussion.学生们被填鸭式地灌输各种事实和日期,没有任何讨论的机会。He showed a remarkable ignorance of the facts.他对这些事实表现得一无所知。His statement conflicts with the facts.他的陈述与事实不符。The facts pose something of a paradox.这些事实有自相矛盾之处。




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