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词汇 exercising
例句 He was exercising the privileges of an old man to be as rude as he liked.他正在倚老卖老,随心所欲地耍横。He is simply exercising his First-Amendment rights.他只是在行使《第一修正案》赋予自己的权利。By exercising often, you can decrease your chance of developing heart disease.时常锻炼可以降低患心脏病的概率。The Cavalry were exercising on Salisbury Plain.装甲兵正在索尔兹伯里平原上训练。They are merely exercising their right to free speech.他们只是在行使他们的言论自由权。He set a goal for himself of exercising at least three times a week.他制定了目标,每周至少运动三次。Politicians these days are more interested in playing to the gallery than exercising real influence on world events.现在的政客更关心的是如何哗众取宠,而不是怎样才能对全球大事施加实质性的影响。They were exercising their lawful right to protest.他们行使自己合法的抗议权利。Allow your food to digest before exercising.等食物消化后再进行锻炼。You should try exercising a little self-control!你应该试着克制一点儿!The police are exercising a new policy of zero tolerance against motoring offenders.警方现在实施新政策,对驾车肇事者严惩不怠。I like exercising to music.我喜欢跟着音乐做运动。I haven't been exercising much recently, so I'm a little out of condition.最近我没怎么运动,所以身体状况不太好。If you experience angina while exercising, stop.做运动时如果感到心绞痛要立刻停下来。This has been a major problem exercising the minds of scientists around the world.这一直是困扰全世界科学家的一个重要问题。If you're out of shape , start exercising slowly.如果你身体状况欠佳,可以慢慢地开始锻炼。She has been exercising regularly to develop her back muscles.她经常锻炼背部肌肉。He was bathed in sweat when he finished exercising.他锻炼完浑身是汗。If you feel dizzy or short of breath, stop exercising immediately.你如果感到头晕或喘不上气,应立即停止运动。I'm exercising to get rid of this bulge around my middle.我正在锻炼,想把腰上的赘肉去掉。If you're still sceptical about exercising, we can only ask you to give it a try.如果你对锻炼仍然心存疑虑,我们只能请你亲自试一试了。They had no intention of exercising restraint.他们不打算克制。She stays/keeps in shape by exercising daily and eating well.为了保持良好的身材,她每天锻炼,合理饮食。He stopped exercising after the injury, but recently he's started again.受伤后他停止了锻炼,但近来又开始了。When exercising its discretion, the court will have regard to all the circumstances.法庭行使裁量权时会仔细考虑所有情况。When exercising, especially in the heat, drink often or you will become dehydrated.锻炼身体时,尤其是在高温下进行锻炼要经常喝水,不然会脱水的。We are eating more and exercising less.我们吃得多了,锻炼却少了。Stop exercising if you feel any pain.要是感觉疼痛就停止练习。Not exercising puts you at greater risk of developing heart disease.不运动会加大你患心脏病的风险。All the extra work I've been doing has gotten me out of the habit of exercising.一而再再而三的加班把我锻炼的习惯都给弄没了。The Cavalry were exercising on Salisbury Plain.装甲部队在索尔兹伯里平原进行演习。If you start exercising with low blood-glucose levels, you could fatigue quickly.如果在血糖低的时候开始锻炼身体,你很快就会疲劳。She was worn out from exercising.锻炼使她筋疲力尽。I'm trying to be better about exercising. 我正在努力加强锻炼。Eating right and exercising are essential to having/leading/living a healthy lifestyle.合理的饮食和锻炼是健康的生活方式必不可少的。The disease can be prevented, namely by exercising, eating right, and not smoking.这种疾病可以预防,就是要通过锻炼身体、饮食合理和戒烟。If you don't warm up before exercising, you risk injuring yourself.如果你在运动之前不做准备活动,会有受伤的危险。I was exercising regularly last summer, but I've been slacking off recently.去年夏天我还坚持定期锻炼,但是最近有些松懈了。She started exercising for her health, but she enjoyed it so much that exercising became an end in itself.她一开始是为了健康而参加锻炼,但后来非常享受此过程,就单纯地为运动而运动。Pectus excavatum can cause difficulties when exercising. 凹陷胸可能会对运动造成困难。




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