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They use a swipe card to go in and out of their offices.他们出入办公室要刷卡。The children are always popping in and out.孩子们总是窜进窜出的。In the normal run of things the only exercise he gets is climbing in and out of taxis.通常他所做的唯一运动就是进出出租车。All that week, Catherine lay ill, drifting in and out of consciousness.整整一个星期凯瑟琳卧病在床,处于半昏迷状态。The sun kept popping in and out between the white clouds.太阳在白云间时隐时现。They log everyone and everything that comes in and out of here.他们对进出这里的所有人和物逐一登记。It'll be awkward getting cars in and out.这样汽车就不好进出了。He kept popping in and out, asking all kinds of questions.他不停地进进出出,问各种各样的问题。The rate of respiration is the number of times the patient breathes in and out during a given period.呼吸率是指病人在一定时间内吸气和呼气的次数。Kevin, who had been abandoned by his mother, had been in and out of detention centres all his life.凯文被母亲遗弃了,一辈子在拘留所进进出出。He's been in and out of prison for years.他多年来屡次入狱出狱。I sat watching housewives bustle in and out of the supermarket.我坐著观看家庭主妇们匆匆地进出超级市场。They fall in and out ten times a day.他们一会儿和好,一会儿闹翻,一天有上十次。Men in big construction boots were clumping in and out with plans in their hands.一群男人穿着大建筑靴,手中拿着图纸,噔噔噔地走进走出。The kids all had a whale of a time, in and out of the pool all day.孩子们整天在游泳池进进出出,开心极了。Cyclists weave in and out of the traffic.骑自行车的人在车辆中间穿来穿去。Rachel took her father's hand and twirled in and out under his arm.雷切尔拉着父亲的手,在他的臂下转进转出。He lay there, drifting in and out of consciousness.他躺在那儿,恍恍惚惚的。Quickly dip the base in and out of cold water.把底部在冷水中快速地浸一下后拿出来。The patient drifted in and out of consciousness all day.病人的意识时而清醒时而迷糊,整天都是如此。She bustled in and out with shopping in one arm and the baby in the other.她忙碌地奔进来,一手臂抱着所购之物,另一手臂抱着婴儿。The drawers of my desk slide in and out easily.我书桌的抽屉抽出推进很顺溜。He drifted in and out of sleep all night.他整个夜里时睡时醒。The snake flicked its tongue in and out.那条蛇迅速地伸缩着舌头。She breathed slowly in and out.她缓缓地吸气、吐气。Workers in this factory are required to clock in and out.这个厂的工人必须用记时钟记上下班时间。The drawer goes in and out comfortably.这抽屉开启自如。The motorcyclist was zipping in and out of traffic.那个骑摩托车的人在来往车辆中快速穿行。She's been in and out of hospitals ever since the accident.自从那次事故之后,她成了医院的常客。The drawers slide in and out easily.这种抽屉拉出推进都很容易。The removal men have been in and out all day.搬运工一整天都在进进出出。The cars weaved in and out of traffic at top speed.这些小汽车在车流中全速穿行。The road corkscrewed its way in and out of a gully.道路蜿蜒曲折伸入沟壑,又盘陀而出。The escaped prisoner dodged in and out among the crowd.逃犯在人群中东躲西闪。She was in and out of trouble for many years.多年来,她的麻烦不断。The snake's tongue flicked in and out.那条蛇迅速地伸缩着舌头。People kept drifting in and out of the meeting.人们不停地进出会场。He was drifting in and out of consciousness.他一会儿醒过来,一会儿又昏过去。The cars then weaved in and out of traffic at top speed.这些轿车就在车流中全速穿行。He began to breathe in and out normally.他正常呼气和吸气。 |