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She was rending her hair out in anger.她气愤得直扯自己的头发。He raised his voice in anger.他气得提高了嗓门。She rammed her fist against the wall in anger.她气得用拳头捶墙。The words were spoken more in sadness than in anger.这些话与其说是带着愤怒说出来的,倒不如说是带着哀伤说出来的。He clamped his jaws in anger.他气得将嘴巴紧闭。She clenched her teeth in anger.她愤怒地咬紧牙齿。Some protesters shook their fists in anger.一些抗议者愤怒地挥舞着拳头。He turned quickly away, more in sorrow than in anger.他迅速转过身去,伤心多于愤怒。She curled her mouth up in anger.她生气地撅起嘴。She spoke more in disappointment than in anger.她说话时语气中更多的是失望而不是生气。His ropy veins pushed out in anger.他气得青筋暴突。He clenched his fists in anger.他气得紧紧握着拳头。Chris was weeping in anger and grief.克丽丝悲愤交加,失声痛哭。She shouted at her son more in sorrow than in anger.她冲她儿子大喊,不是因为生气,而是因为伤心。He never raised his voice in anger.他生气时从不会提高嗓门。John doubled his fists in anger.约翰愤怒地握紧拳头。He was about to quit his job in anger, but she managed to talk him down. 他一气之下就要辞职,但她设法劝住了他。He pounded his fist on the table in anger.他气得直用拳头捶打桌面。He was docked a point penalty for smashing a ball in anger at a linesman.他因发怒朝边线裁判员扔球而被罚掉一分。She clapped the door shut in anger.她气得把门砰的一声关上。Her face flushed in anger.她气得满脸通红。He clenched his fists in anger.他愤怒地攥紧了双拳。He stamped his foot in anger.他气得直跺脚。His brow darkened in anger.他生气地沉下脸来。I've said some things in anger that have almost cost my marriage.我气愤之中说了些话,差点毁了我的婚姻。He tossed out of the room in anger.他愤怒之下一甩头离开了房间。He said that his decision to resign was made more in sorrow than in anger.他说他作出辞职的决定与其说是出于气愤,不如说是因为悲伤。She stamped up the stairs in anger.她生气地噔噔走到楼上去了。The boy clenched his fists in anger.那男孩愤怒地握紧了拳头。He joined the club last month, but has yet to kick a ball in anger.他上月加入该俱乐部,但是还未真正上场踢过球。A few words spoken in anger can quickly destroy a love affair or friendship.几句气话就可以迅速毁掉一段恋情或友谊。She slapped her palm against the desk in anger.她生气地用手拍击桌子。He ground his teeth in anger.他气得咬牙切齿。He shook his fist at me in anger.他怒气冲冲地向我挥动拳头。Tom shouted in anger.汤姆气忿地叫喊著。It can be bad for you to hold in anger.压抑怒火会不利于健康。He rarely raises his voice in anger.他极少因生气放大嗓门。Her eyes narrowed in anger.她生气地眯起了眼睛。Depression can be traced to holding in anger.抑郁症可以追溯到对愤怒情绪的压抑。 |