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例句 I am not going to inform on anyone.我不打算告发任何人。I am not in the business of selling my best players.我并不想出售我最优秀的球员。I am not myself today.我今天不舒服(或不自在)。With respect to your request, I am not yet able to agree.至于你的要求,我还不能同意。I am not responsible for his actions in any way, shape, or form.我对他的行为不负一丝一毫的责任。I am not prepared to go to jail for that ungrateful woman!我可不准备为那个忘恩负义的女人去坐牢!I am not convinced that we have segmented the market properly.我不确定我们对于市场的细分是否恰当。I am not overly enamoured with the prospect of going back there.我对回到那里没抱太大希望。I would take dance lessons, but I am not very coordinated.我会去上舞蹈课,但我的动作不是很协调。I am not an oracle; I don't have a solution to everything.我不是圣贤,不能解决所有的问题。It is said that she is going to marry Mr Smith, but you mustn't quote me because I am not quite sure about it.据说她将要和史密斯先生结婚,但你千万别说是我说的,因为我对这件事还没有太大的把握。I am not writing poetry in the traditional sense.我写的不是传统诗歌。I am not personally acquainted with her.我和她没有私交。I am not rushing things and I'm taking it step by step.我不会仓促行事,我会一步一步地来。I shall probably oversleep as I am not used to getting up so early.我很可能会睡过头,因为我不习惯于起得这么早。Confidentially, I am not sure they understood.私底下说,我不能肯定他们已经明白了。Don't order me around. I am not your thrall.不要使唤我。我不是你的奴仆。I am not at liberty to discuss these matters.我不可以讨论这些问题。I am not qualified to teach this subject.我没有资格教这门课。I am not risking my neck for anyone!我可不想为任何人拿性命冒险!I am not a tribalist in politics.我不是政治上的宗派主义者。I am not sure whether this was courage or pig-headedness.我不能肯定这是一种勇气,还是一种固执。I am not easily persuaded.我不容易被说服。I hope I am not trespassing on/upon your time. 我希望我没有占用你太多时间。I am not qualified to comment on the practicability of this type of legislation.我没有资格评论这种立法的可行性。I am not very happy about the situation.我对这种局面不太满意。I am not going to be a milch cow for you on news.我可不打算当你的义务消息源。I am not a total novice.我不全是个新手。I am not a man to kiss and tell.我不是一个背信弃义的人。I am not prepared to let this matter rest.我还没准备放过这件事呢。I am not sure your additional working hours are convertible into wages.我不敢确定你的额外的工作时数可以转换成工资。Sometimes I am not as brave as I should be.有时我表现得不够勇敢。If I am not available when you phone, ask for my secretary.你打电话来时如果我不在,可叫我的秘书代接。I am not completely at home in any Protestant Church.我在任何一个新教教会都不是特别自在。I am not a vain creature.我并不是爱慕虚荣的人。I am not a beatnik.我不是垮掉的一代中的一员。I am not a man who clings to old ideas.我不是一个墨守陈规的人。I am not familiar with chemical terms.我不熟悉化学术语。I am not authorized to approve these payments.我无权批准支付这些款项。I am not going to degrade myself by responding to these baseless accusations.我不会降低身份回应那些毫无根据的指控。




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