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例句 The pundits are all backing him to become the next President. 专家们都认为他将成为下一届总统。They seem to think they have a divine right to stage the next Olympics.他们似乎认为由他们举办下一届奥运会是天经地义的。Do you think Labour will get in again at the next election?你认为工党在下一届选举中会再次当选吗?The Prime Minister has decided to stay on to fight another election.首相已经决定继续留下,参加下一届竞选。There are indications that the Labour Party will win the next election.有迹象表明下一届选举工党将会取胜。The UN will sponsor a women's conference this summer.联合国将于今年夏天举办一届妇女大会。A Labour government chose to sacrifice defence for welfare.一届工党政府选择了牺牲国防来提高福利。Dr Owen had served as Foreign Secretary under the previous government.欧文博士担任过前一届政府的外交大臣。He was a year ahead of me in school. 他在学校里比我高一届Under the previous administration, rich landowners were given generous tax concessions.在前一届政府的管治下,富有的地主阶层享有很大的税务优惠。He has managed to pin the blame on the previous government.他设法把责任推卸到了前一届政府身上。The socialists hope to join forces with the communists to fight the next election.社会党员希望与共产党员联手,参加下一届的竞选。This government has systematically cut back public services since it took office.一届政府自上台以来系统削减了公共服务。No government so far has been able to balance the number of jobs available with the number of people out of work.至今还没有一届政府能做到使空缺职位的数量正好与失业人数达至平衡。Barbados could have three new political parties battling it out in the next General Election.在下一届大选中,巴巴多斯可能有三个新的政党参加角逐。The Party leadership is using management consultants to help prepare for the next election.该党的领导层正在管理顾问的帮助下筹备下一届的选举。He was a year behind me in school. 他在上学时比我低一届If Latino voters turn out in strength for the next election, results could be very different.如果下一届选举中拉丁美商选民大批投票,结果就会很不一样。She had been a year ahead of him at that college.她在那所学院里比他早一届They have already begun charting the course for the next campaign.他们已经开始为下一届竞选制订方案了。If independents do end up holding the balance of power, then they decide whether Labor or the Liberals govern for the next four years.如果无党派议员果真取得了举足轻重的地位,那么他们将决定由工党还是自由党来组成下一届四年期政府。It is open to debate whether the new government is any better than the old one.新政府是否比前一届政府强还有待商榷。The tensions of the Nixon presidency were replaced by the plain vanilla administration of a friendly, middle-aged, middle-class man from the Middle West.尼克松时代的紧张局面被一届平淡无奇的政府所取代,继任总统温和友善,正值中年,出身中产阶级,来自中西部。There is often a lack of continuity between one government and the next.一届政府与下一届之间往往缺少连续性。Listening to customers is now part of the mantra of new management in public services.倾听顾客意见现在已成了公共事业机构每一届新管理层都会奉行的准则之一。Who will be the next prime minister?.谁将成为下一届首相呢?Who do you think is most likely to win the next presidential election?你认为谁最有可能赢得下一届总统选举?He must recognize by now that he will be a one-term, increasingly lame duck president.到目前为止他得认识到,自己将是一位只有一届任期、权力越来越小的跛脚鸭总统。Politicians drew strangely shaped boundaries, in order to give themselves an advantage in the next election.政客们把边界划得很奇怪,为的是使自己在下一届的选举中更具优势。The next presidential election is due in two years.一届总统竞选两年后举行。His Administration was doomed, and his tenure of the White House with it.他这一届政府连同他的白宫主人地位注定要完蛋了。Kathy was in the year above me at college.上大学时凯西比我高一届He's made it clear that this Olympics, his third, will be his last hurrah.他说得很清楚,这一届奥运会 — 他的第三届奥运会 — 将是他最后的一次拼搏机会。The Socialists are hoping to secure another term in government.社会党人希望能争取再执政一届She's hoping to participate in the next Olympic Games.她希望参加下一届奥运会。She's not intending to stand at the next election.她不打算参加下一届竞选。In Mexico, the president holds office for a fixed term of six years.在墨西哥,总统任职是固定的六年一届It is tempting to think of him as the next American president.人们不禁会认为他是下一届美国总统。




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