例句 |
The ground was covered in a thick layer of snow.地上覆盖着厚厚的一层雪。The path was hidden under a blanket of snow.小路被一层雪盖住了。There was a light dusting of snow on the ground.地上只有薄薄一层雪。A layer of snow coated the trees.树上覆盖着一层雪。The hilltops were covered with a sprinkling of snow.山顶上覆盖着薄薄的一层雪。A blanket of snow had buried the first few flowers of spring.厚厚的一层雪盖住了寥寥几朵早春的花。There was a dusting of snow on the lawn.草坪上有薄薄的一层雪。The park had been obliterated beneath a layer of snow.公园被覆盖上了一层雪。The ground was hidden under a covering of snow.地面被一层雪遮盖。The ground was hidden under a cover of snow.地面上覆盖着一层雪。 |