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词汇 every other
例句 We will meet every other day.我们将每隔一天会面。It's a problem that's affecting this town and every other one in the state.这个问题正影响着这个镇子和州里所有其他的小镇。They get treated differently from every other British band.他们受到的待遇与其他英国乐队不同。The High School open house is every other Friday evening.那所中学的接待日为每隔一周的星期五晚上。The group meets every other Sunday, at noon.这个小组隔周的周日中午开会。Winger's stands head and shoulders above every other restaurant in town.温格饭店比起镇上的所有其他饭店都要好得多。The soldiers have stripped the civilians of their passports, and every other type of document.士兵们已经夺走了平民的护照以及所有其他类型的证件。Kelly was outstanding and outshone every other player on the field.凯利在场上的表现非常突出,使其他选手都相形见绌。Her run put every other hurdler's performance in the shade.她的那一跑令其他跨栏运动员相形见绌。The plant will flower every other year.这种植物隔年开花。I have my new and manly regime of every other night shaving.我把每隔一晚刮脸作为自己男子汉的新的生活规则。Bolt managed to outpace every other runner.博尔特设法超过了其他所有的赛跑选手。Control of prices takes precedence over every other consideration.控制物价比其他问题都更应优先考虑。For the best results, you should alternate between yoga and weightlifting every other day.为了达到最佳效果,你应该每隔一天交替练习瑜伽和举重。Anger overpowered every other feeling.愤怒压倒了所有其他感情。They still get treated differently from almost every other contemporary British band.他们所得到的待遇仍然与当代几乎所有其他英国乐队都不同。It'll have to be on a Sunday. I'll be working every other day.必须在星期天,其他日子我都上班。The biweekly sales meeting is scheduled for every other Tuesday.每两周一次的销售会议安排在隔周的星期二召开。Peter was conscripted like every other young man.和其他年轻人一样,彼特应征入伍。Space satellites are ping-ponging video news from every point of the earth to every other point.航天卫星正在全世界范围内来回传送着电视新闻。Motorists are developing the habit of buying a new car every other year.汽车驾驶者正形成每两年买一辆新车的习惯。Their food is adequate. It includes meat at least every other day, vegetables and fruit.他们的伙食足够丰富了,有蔬菜、水果,而且至少每隔一天吃一次肉。You only need to water plants every other day.你只需要每隔一天给植物浇一次水。He was sacked from every other job he had.其他工作他是做一次砸锅一次。I visit my parents every other weekend.我每隔一个周末去看望一次父母。Three or four sets of curls every other day will give you an impressive pair of guns.隔天做三四组前臂举重练习可以打造强壮的肱二头肌。This film is like every other romantic comedy you've ever seen.这部电影跟你看过的所有其他浪漫喜剧没什么两样。I run every other day. 我每隔一天跑一次步。Now that their children have grown up she joins Paddy in London every other week.他们的孩子都长大了,她便每隔一周就到伦敦帕迪那里。The miners muck the waste rock every other day.矿工每隔一天清除一次矸石。The boy needs a new pencil every other day.这孩子每隔一天就要用一支新铅笔。I get my nails done at the beauty salon every other week.我每两个星期去美容院做一次美甲。Miss Mary defused and obliterated every other talent on stage.玛丽小姐使所有在舞台上的明星在她面前逊色多了。Supervisors should meet with their employees at least every other week to share information.主管至少应该每两个星期和员工见一次面交换信息。Elections are held generally every other year.选举通常隔年举行。He has been to every other province than Gansu.除了甘肃之外,他到过每一个省。The distribution of paychecks will happen every other Friday.每隔一周的周五发放工资。Their diet includes meat at least every other day.他们至少每隔一天吃一次肉。We meet regularly every other Tuesday.我们每个隔周周二定期见面。The same will apply in every other country.这也适用于其他任何国家。




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