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例句 She managed to keep a stiff upper lip even as everything fell apart.即使一切都垮掉了,她依然沉着坚定。I was aware even as I spoke how sanctimonious I sounded.甚至当我说话时,我都意识到我听上去是多么伪善。Malcolm's always been tidy, even as a kid.马尔科姆向来就爱整洁,小时候已是这样。You shouldn't spread rumours like that, even as a joke.你不应那样散布谣言,就算开玩笑也不行。The water in the pool is as even as a mirror.池中的水面象镜子一样平滑。But Sister Mroslas liked him. Sometimes she laughed even as she punished him.但莫罗斯修女喜欢他,甚至惩罚他时,有时她还会笑。He was prone to depression even as a teenager.甚至在青少年时期他就容易情绪抑郁。She remained stoic even as he continued to insult her.即便是他继续辱骂她,她依旧默默承受。I tried to reason with him, but even as I started to explain what had happened he stood up to leave.我试图和他理论,可是我刚一开口解释所发生的事情,他就起身要走。Republican party members were confidently proclaiming victory even as the first few votes came in.刚刚得到几张选票,共和党人就准备自信地宣布胜利了。The wreck isn't worth anything even as scrap metal.这些残骸就是当废旧金属卖也是一文不值。Consequently, even as the blogosphere continues to expand, only a few blogs are likely to emerge as focal points.结果,尽管博客圈继续扩大,但仅有少数的博客有可能脱颖而出,成为关注的焦点。The telephone rang even as he was going out.他刚要外出,电话铃响了。At night infrared cameras track these birds even as they sleep.在夜晚,红外摄像机记录这些鸟的行踪,包括它们睡觉时的情形。He remained financially dependent on his parents even as an adult.他甚至在成年后,仍然在经济上依赖父母。They are finishing the job even as we speak. 我们说话的这会儿,他们正在完成工作。It happened even as he had expected.事情正如他所料的那样发生了。Some experts have attacked the Jonas' book as a distortion and even as fiction.一些专家批评乔纳斯的书歪曲事实,甚至胡编乱造。It happened even as I expected.事情正如我所预料的那样发生了。 He had been aware, even as he slept, of the noise of the engine.即使在睡觉的时候,他也一直听得到发动机的噪音。Writing came naturally to her, even as a child.写作对于她来讲是件很自然的事,甚至在她小时候就是如此。




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