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例句 The entrepreneur boasted that he could make money out of anything, even pebbles in the beach.那个企业家吹嘘说,他能靠任何东西赚钱,甚至是沙滩上的卵石。He had no harsh words or even criticism.他没讲什么严厉的话,甚至也没有批评。The table kept wobbling because the floor wasn't quite even.这张桌子不停地摇来晃去是因为地板不太平。She gets jealous if I even look at another woman.我即使看一眼别的女人,她也会醋意大发。He was even prepared to lay down his life for his friends.他甚至愿意为他的朋友舍命。Nowadays even efficient, lean, well-run industries are failing.如今即使是那些高效、精干、管理良好的行业也在亏损。The engine is almost silent, even at high speed, and goes like a dream.这台引擎即使在高速运转时也几乎没有噪音,性能极佳。We don't have enough information even to give a best guess.因为没有足够的信息我们甚至无法猜测最有可能的情况。They had been unwilling to acquire baby supplies for fear it would jinx things. Then, suddenly, they were parents and didn't even own a diaper.他们之前不愿意买婴儿用品,怕带来坏运气。后来孩子突然降生,他们连一片尿布都没有。The world's tropical forests are disappearing at an even faster rate than experts had thought.世界上热带森林消失的速度比专家们预想的还要快。He allowed that even world leaders could make mistakes.他承认即使是世界领导人也会犯错。The sheet of metal was cut into even quadrilateral shapes.金属片被切割成了大小相同的四边形。There may even be some wire or nylon biting into the flesh.甚至可能有一些金属丝或者尼龙线勒到肉里。It is written in a style which even a foreigner can read with leisure.它的写作风格使得外国人都能轻松阅读。German militarism was even then evident, a portent of the great conflict to come.德国的穷兵黩武政策甚至在当时就已经昭然若揭,预示着即将爆发大规模冲突。Her latest novel was very good, even brilliant.她最新的小说很不错,甚至可以说是杰作。His face turned an even deeper shade of red.他的脸更红了。This will help small firms compete on a more even footing with multi-national companies.这将有助于小企业与跨国公司进行更加公平的竞争。We hadn't even got as far as London when the car broke down.我们连伦敦都没开到汽车就抛了锚。All we are asking is that management be honest with us, even if the situation is difficult.我们只是要求资方对我们实话实说,哪怕情况很不妙。He once told an interviewer that he didn't even like rock music.他曾告诉一位采访者,他甚至都不喜欢摇滚乐。The high wind chill factor made it seem even colder.高风寒指数使天气似乎更冷了。The tables are fitted with a glass top to provide an even surface.桌子装了玻璃表面,因此十分平滑。Kim even hacked off her long hair.金甚至剪掉了她的长发。This is positively the worst thing that I can even imagine.这确实是我能想象到的最糟糕的事情。Don't even think about lying to me!别想对我撒谎!She managed to keep a stiff upper lip even as everything fell apart.即使一切都垮掉了,她依然沉着坚定。Not even their diehard supporters can pretend that this was a great game.即使是他们的铁杆支持者也无法假装这是一场精彩的比赛。The nearest subway station is not even in the district.最近的地铁站甚至不在这个区。The water in the pool is as even as a mirror.池中的水面象镜子一样平滑。They were anything but friendly off-camera, refusing even to take the same lift.在银幕外,他们彼此一点也不友好,甚至不愿同乘一部电梯。Do not even light a fire in your homes on the Sabbath.安息日甚至别在家里生火。Fish doesn't keep well, even in the fridge.鱼即使放在冰箱里也不易保存。His colleagues didn't even glance up as he left.同事们在他离开时甚至都不抬头看一眼。My husband closed all my credit card accounts without even asking me.我丈夫没问我就撤销了我所有的信用卡账户。This book is even more useful than that.这本书比那本甚至还更有用。I'm completing this course, even if it kills me.哪怕有再大的困难,我也要完成这门课程。The sheer quantity of detail would bemuse even the most clear-headed author.光是这么多的细节就会让哪怕是头脑最清醒的作者感到困惑。He's not even aware that you are upset.他甚至都没有注意到你心烦。Jason had helped him out with a series of loans, until he could get back on an even keel.贾森接连借了几笔钱给他,在他重新走上正轨之前帮他渡过了难关。




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