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词汇 evaporated
例句 My anger evaporated and I wanted to cry.心中的气消了,我想要大哭一场。The pool of water evaporated in the sun.那一滩水在太阳照射下蒸发掉了。The heat evaporated the water.高温使水蒸发了。It was so hot that the water just sizzled and evaporated.那里热得水都在嘶嘶地冒着蒸汽。The sun soon evaporated the morning dew.太阳很快蒸发了晨露。His courage had evaporated away.他的勇气慢慢消失了。The water is evaporated by the sun.水在阳光下蒸发了。His anger evaporated as the misunderstanding was explained.当误解被解释清楚之后,他的怒气消失了。After his first wife evaporated, he married the girl.他在原配妻子死后与这位姑娘结了婚。By then, the euphoria over the fall of the Berlin Wall had evaporated.到那时,柏林墙倒塌带来的欣喜已消失殆尽。The milky liquid has evaporated and the clarification is complete.乳白色液体已经蒸发,提炼完成了。The kiss on the lips evaporated the tension.唇上的一吻化解了紧张气氛。Most of the water had evaporated.大部分的水都蒸发了。He always evaporated by Monday morning.在星期一早晨前总是不见他的踪影。The opportunity evaporated before he could act on it.他还没来得及做出反应,机会就没了。Boil until all the water has evaporated.煮沸至所有水都蒸发掉。The project evaporated and Harry was left high and dry.那个项目逐渐叫停,哈里陷入了困境。




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