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词汇 出租
例句 How much do you charge for renting a locker?冷藏格出租一个多少钱? Some caterers will rent equipment and supplies for parties at a reasonable cost.有些酒席承办公司出租聚会设备和必需品,价格合理。Local authorities are unlikely to hire facilities to unrecognised martial arts organisations.地方政府不太可能向非官方的武术组织出租设备。The fine old house is being let off as flats.这所漂亮的老房子分作几套出租There were motorcycles for hire.有摩托车出租The new video store has a huge stock of movies to rent.这家新开的录像店有大量的影片出租A retainer may be charged for keeping the student's room over the vacation.为在假期中保留学生的寝室不另行出租而可能要求学生支付定金。We've decided to rent out the upstairs.我们已决定将楼上出租Do you hire out golf clubs here?你们这儿出租高尔夫球杆吗?He farmed his pickers to work in the beet fields.出租他的摘棉工去甜菜地里干活。The farmer contracted to lease his land.那农场主立约出租土地。Vicky put the house up for rent a month ago, but changed her mind the next day.一个月前维基把房子挂牌出租,但第二天却改变主意了。That apartment lets for $500 a month.那公寓房子以每月五百美元出租There's a sign there saying "boats for hire".告示牌上写着“小船出租”。We have a wide range of vehicles available for hire at competitive rates.我们有多种类型的交通工具出租,价格也颇具竞争力。They found a little two-roomed flat to rent.他们找到了一个出租的小两居室。Room for rent in shared house - would suit professional person.出租合住房间——适合专业人士。He races his cars, and hires them out for film, TV and promo videos.他开着自己的车参加赛车,也把它们出租用来拍电影、电视和广告片。Local authorities are likely to refuse to hire facilities to unrecognised martial arts organisations.当地的主管机构可能会拒绝向非官方的武术组织出租设备。Internet start-ups are being helped by companies willing to lease them Web servers and space.互联网新兴公司得到了一些愿意向他们出租网络服务器和网络空间的公司的帮助。The widow lodged college students in her home.那寡妇出租家里的房间给大学生居住。The hotel hires out boats to guests.该酒店出租游船给房客。We're only planning on renting the house out for a few years.我们计划把房子只出租三五年。Hire of skis, boots and clothing, is all available.滑雪板、滑雪靴和滑雪服皆有出租There are several companies that hire office equipment to businesses.有几家公司向企业出租办公设备。The taxi was so slow we might just as well have gone on the bus.出租者开得那么慢,我们当时还不如乘公共汽车呢。This farm rents for $1,500 a year.这农场以每年一千五百美金出租The local newspaper misreported the story by claiming the premises were rented.当地报纸报道有误,称这些房屋已经出租了。If you want to go further afield, there are bicycles for hire.要是你想去更远的地方,有自行车出租Companies hiring out narrow boats report full order books.出租运河小船的各公司称船已预订一空。They earned rent from their property in London.他们出租伦敦的房子赚取租金。Many caravans are let by private individuals through adverts in papers or shop windows.很多活动房车由私人通过报纸或商店橱窗做广告出租He turned down the offer of a concession in a major department store.他拒绝了在一家大百货公司内经营出租柜台的提议。




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