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词汇 出租汽车
例句 A taxi conveyed us to the train station.一辆出租汽车将我们载至火车站。The old taxi rattled down the street.破旧的出租汽车喀嚓喀嚓沿街驶去。Your hotel suite, transportation and taxi fares were paid for in the package.你的旅馆套房、旅费和出租汽车费都已一并付清。Hullo, Iris, telephone for a taxi for me, there's a good girl.喂,艾丽丝,给我打电话叫辆出租汽车来,乖孩子。A fireman pulled the driver away from the burning cab.消防员把驾驶员从燃烧的出租汽车中拉走。With a wave of his hand he materialized a taxi.他一挥手就召来了一辆出租汽车The taxi driver said that he stopped immediately and popped the trunk.出租汽车司机说他立刻停了车并把后备箱打开。He sat back in the taxi and watched the neon signs ribbon past the windows.他靠坐在出租汽车里,看着那些霓虹灯广告在车窗外像一条条彩色丝带似的倏忽而过。We rent cars by the hour, to save you money.为了给你省钱,我们按小时出租汽车The taxis are doing a roaring trade.出租汽车生意兴隆。He raised his hand to stop the cab.他举起手要出租汽车停下。A taxi deposited me in front of the museum.出租汽车送我在博物馆前下车。A cab arrived in minutes via radio dispatch.通过无线电调度,出租汽车几分钟内就来了。A cab cruised by and he whistled it dead.一辆出租汽车驶过,他吹一声口哨招呼它停了下来。It is not easy to get hold of a taxi in the city centre.在市中心很难叫到出租汽车I tried to get a taxi, but no joy.我想要一辆出租汽车,但没有要到。The undertipped taxi-driver returned his passenger's gratuity.出租汽车司机嫌小费太少,干脆把钱还给了乘客。The taxi chugged with difficulty up the winding road.出租汽车呼哧着,艰难地开上了盘旋曲折的路。He screwed out half a pound for the taxi fare.他很不情愿地拿出半英镑来付出租汽车费。




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