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After her escape from prison she adopted the alias Daryl Crowe.她越狱后化名达里尔・克罗。Brewer escaped from prison last year and has been on the loose ever since.布鲁尔自去年越狱后一直在逃。The baby's mother escaped from the fire along with two other children.婴儿的母亲和另外两个孩子一起逃离了火海。Josie managed to escape from her attacker and call the police.乔茜设法摆脱袭击者并报了警。These men escaped from a maximum-security stockade.这些人从一所最高安全级别的军事监狱逃跑了。Political parties cannot escape from their pasts any more than individuals can.政党和个人一样,无法逃避自己的过去。He had a narrow escape from gunfire.他从炮火中死里逃生。He ran like the clappers to escape from the police.他飞快地奔跑以逃脱警察。She finally escaped from the tyranny of her father.她最终逃离了父亲的专制。He escaped from a disorderly, comfortless home into a wealthy, respectable one.他从一个混乱而无安慰的家庭逃到一个富有而又受人尊敬的家庭。Holman let a weary sigh escape from his lips.霍尔曼疲倦不堪,不由得叹了口气。How had he escaped from prison without anyone's help? It was a mystery.没有别人的帮助他是怎样越狱的?真令人费解。I needed something to knock me out - it was the only way to escape from the pain.我需要用点麻醉药,想要不痛这是唯一的方法。Jokes were for him an escape from reality.笑话对他来说是逃避现实的一种手段。Prison officials are carrying out a full investigation after two prisoners escaped from a prison vehicle.两名囚犯藏在监狱车上逃脱后,监狱负责人正在进行彻底调查。I was lucky to escape from the accident with nothing but a damaged windscreen.我运气好,在车祸中逃过一劫,除了挡风玻璃外什么也没损坏。A weary sigh escaped from her lips.她不禁叹了一口气,显得很厌倦。A dangerous criminal has escaped from a maximum-security prison.一名危险的罪犯从戒备森严的监狱逃走了。I wish I could escape from this stuffy little office.我真希望能从这个闷热的小办公室逃出去。Gambling was my escape from life, reality even.赌博是我逃避生活甚至现实的一种方法。Their escape from such a devastating wreck seemed nothing less than a miracle.他们能从这么严重的海难中死里逃生,简直就是奇迹。Travel can be an escape from the routine drudgery of life.旅行可以使人们从乏味的日常生活中暂时解脱出来。The image escaped from her memory.那形象从她的记忆中消失了。They escaped from jail.他们越狱了。The thief attempted to escape from the policeman, but the policeman was one too many for him.那贼试图从警察手中脱逃,但他不是那警察的对手。The lion escaped from the zoo.狮子从动物园里逃了出来。He was shaken by his narrow escape from death.他死里逃生,这把他吓得够呛。Two prisoners have escaped from Durham Jail.两个囚犯从达勒姆监狱逃跑了。Police are still searching for a convicted rapist, who escaped from Broadmoor special hospital yesterday.警方仍然在搜寻昨天从布罗德莫尔专科医院逃跑的一名强奸犯。He used television as an escape from reality.他把看电视当成一种逃避现实的方式。Gardening offered an escape from her busy life.园艺劳动让她摆脱了繁忙的工作。He escaped from his captors with life and limb.他从捕捉者手中安然逃脱。A sigh escaped from her lips.她不由地叹了口气。It's a wonderful place to escape from the hubbub of London's busy streets.这是一个美妙的地方,远离了伦敦那繁忙喧嚣的街道。He managed to escape from his captors.他设法从劫持者手中逃脱了。She married the first man she met, to escape from her father.为了摆脱父亲,她嫁给了她所遇到的第一个男人。The police are on the lookout for two men who escaped from custody yesterday.警方正在寻找昨天逃脱拘留的两名男子。She escaped from her smoke-filled home just in the nick of time.她正好在最后关头从浓烟弥漫的家中逃了出来。The image escaped from her memory.那形象已经从她的记忆中消失。There was a frantic rush to escape from the building.人们发疯地奔跑以逃离大楼。 |