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Our vacation ended on a low note when our flight was delayed.航班延误让我们的假期画上了不完满的句号。The letter ended on a cheerful note.这封信以乐观的口气结束。The meeting ended on an optimistic note.这次会议在一片乐观的气氛中结束。The book ends on a lengthy description of Hawaii.这本书以对夏威夷的冗长描述为结尾。The volume ends on a somewhat inconclusive note.该书以不太确定的笔调收了尾。The U.S. government fiscal year legally ends on September 30.美国政府会计年度法定为九月三十日结束。The meeting ended on a positive note.会议在积极的气氛中结束。Months of negotiations between the two parties neared an end on Wednesday.双方连续数月的谈判在星期三接近尾声。An old tramp shambled along, looking for money or cigarette ends on the floor.一个老流浪汉蹒跚着往前走,在地上找钱或者烟蒂。The rainbow seemed to end on the hillside.那彩虹好像到山坡那边就断了。Our house is the third from the end on the left.我们家是从左边倒数第三户。His speech ended on a positive note.他用肯定的语气结束了演讲。The party ended on a high note. 聚会在欢乐的气氛中结束。The film ends on a positive note.电影的结局轻松愉快。The song ends on a discord.这首歌曲以不和谐之音结束。The publisher says this character must not die and the book should end on an upbeat.出版者说这个人物不能死,这本书应当以皆大欢喜为结局。Our vacation ended on a high note. 我们的假期愉快地结束了。The conference ended on an optimistic note.会议在乐观的氛围中结束。The meeting ended on reasonably amicable terms.会议在较为友好的气氛中结束了。The two trains hit each other end on.两列火车迎面相撞了。The house is approached end on, not frankly its best aspect.这所房子要从后面进入,老实说并不是最好的朝向。To end on a positive note, we are seeing an increase in sales this month.从乐观的角度做个总结,我们这个月的销售额有所上升。 |