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词汇 粗壮
例句 He snapped the tree's thick root with a wrench of the shovel.他用铁锹猛地一扭,折断了这棵树粗壮的树根。Her body was thick and lumpish, as graceless as a bathtub.她的身材粗壮,难看得像只澡盆子。He picked her up in his big strong arms.他用他粗壮的双臂抱起了她。As their roots are strong and penetrating, they prevent erosion.它们的根十分粗壮而且扎得很深,从而避免了受侵蚀。He had the bulky upper torso of a weightlifter.他躯干粗壮,犹如举重运动员。Thunder boomed and rolled across a purple sky laced with broad strokes of lightning.雷声滚滚,一道道粗壮的闪电划过紫色的天空。He has big, strong, muscular arms.他上肢粗壮,肌肉发达。His legs were elephantine.他的双腿非常粗壮All his limbs were elephantine.他的四肢都特别粗壮This animal is chunky and short-legged.这种动物粗壮而腿短。His thick, swollen fingers bore testimony to a lifetime of toil.粗壮肿胀的手指是一生劳作的见证。There were low trees with thick, gnarly branches.那里有枝条粗壮扭曲的矮树。A thickset, heavy-looking young man entered.一个粗壮、结实的年轻人走了进来。My father was a big man, with legs like tree trunks.我爸是大个子,双腿粗壮得像树干。The man was described as short and stocky and very strong.据描述,那个男人矮个儿,敦实粗壮His arms were thick and fleshy.他的双臂粗壮多肉。The man in charge of the unloading detail was a burly sergeant.卸货队队长是名粗壮的中士。The plant has a stout stem.这棵植物的枝很粗壮He was six feet tall with broad shoulders and strong arms.他身高六英尺,肩膀宽阔,手臂粗壮She's got big, muscly legs.她双腿粗壮,肌肉发达。His rugged good looks had girls flocking to his side.他的粗壮英俊面庞吸引了众多女孩。




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