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词汇 粗心大意
例句 The curate reprimanded his carelessness.副牧师斥责了他的粗心大意Careless or uninformed decisions during these huge storms can lead to loss of life and property.在这些强烈的暴风雨期间,粗心大意的或无知的决定可能会导致生命和财产损失。He failed in part because of his carelessness.他之所以失败,部分是由于粗心大意She often rebuked him for carelessness.她常常指责他粗心大意The accident happened because of carelessness.由于粗心大意,造成了那起事故。He was careless and now he's counting the cost. = Now he's counting the cost of his carelessness.他过去粗心大意,现在尝到苦头了。Try not to be so careless in the future.以后千万不要这么粗心大意了。His reputation for carelessness was established long before the latest problems arose.在最近的一系列问题出现之前,他粗心大意的问题已经是众人皆知的了。I was cross with her for being so careless.她如此粗心大意,令我很生气。Scientists are often caricatured as absent-minded professors.科学家常常被滑稽地描写成粗心大意的教授。Specialist subjects are full of pitfalls for the unwary.专业学科充满陷阱,专套粗心大意的人。Your failure was due to nothing else than your own carelessness.你的失败完全是由于你自己的粗心大意I was cursing him for his carelessness.我在骂他粗心大意Sadly, the text is marred by careless errors.很遗憾,这篇文章因一些粗心大意的错误而大为减色。My son's teacher says that his work is often rather careless.我儿子的老师说他做作业经常粗心大意Mistakes proceed from inadvertence.错误出自粗心大意His boss read him the riot act for making careless mistakes.他的老板严厉警告他别再犯粗心大意的错。He is a careless worker.他是个粗心大意的员工。His carelessness is going to land him in trouble.他那粗心大意的毛病就要给自己带来麻烦。The mistake was the result of carelessness.这个错误是因为粗心大意造成的。Her boss landed all over her because of her carelessness.她因粗心大意而受到她上司的责骂。She had been inexcusably careless.她太粗心大意了。The initial accident might have been chalked up to carelessness.最初的事故可能是粗心大意造成的。Specialist subjects are full of pitfalls for the unwary.专业问题充满陷阱,专套粗心大意的人。He was backed into by a careless driver this morning.今天早上他被一个粗心大意的驾车人倒车撞着了。It was careless of him to leave the door unlocked.他忘了锁门,真是粗心大意She called me down for carelessness.她责备我粗心大意They may not like being called careless, but if the cap fits, wear it. 他们可能不喜欢被别人说粗心大意,不过有则改之。She carelessly left the stove on.粗心大意,忘了关炉火。The defence conceded stupid goals through sheer carelessness.防守队员完全因为粗心大意而造成了无谓的失球。Their carelessness could spell trouble/disaster for all of us.他们的粗心大意可能给我们所有人带来麻烦/灾难。It's cutting your own throat to be so careless.你这么粗心大意是在自己害自己。Her husband absentmindedly forgot their anniversary.她的丈夫粗心大意,忘记了他们的结婚纪念日。The typist received an admonition from the supervisor for being careless.那个打字员因粗心大意受到监督人的训诫。He carelessly left the garage door unlocked.他太粗心大意,竟然没锁车库的门。




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