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例句 None of his pictures was imitative of Adams or anyone else.他的画没有一张是模仿亚当斯或别的什么画家的。He looked nervously over his shoulder, making sure no one else was listening.他紧张地回头望了一下,以确定没有其他人在听。If your password gets known by anyone else, your data may not be secure.如果你的密码被别人知道了,你的资料就会不安全。He rationalized his cheating by saying that everyone else cheated.他用大家都作弊为自己的作弊行为文过饰非。I'm so happy here. I couldn't possibly imagine living anywhere else.我在这里很开心,想不出还能住在别的什么地方。What else have you had for your birthday?.你还收到了别的什么生日礼物?He dominates everyone else by his height.他个子比其他所有的人都高。He shared his good news with everyone else in the office.他和办公室里所有的人分享了这个好消息。I do believe in people being able to do what they want to do, providing they're not hurting someone else.我真的认为人们只要不伤害别人,自己想做什么就可以做什么。We have to have our stories straight or else the police will get suspicious.我们得实事求是地讲,不然警方会怀疑的。I stayed on after everyone else had left.其他所有人都离开后我还留在那儿。If nothing else, the report points out the need for better math education.不说别的,该报告起码指出了改进数学教育的必要性。It lays over anything else of the kind.它比同类其他东西都好。There was no one else to take care of their children.没有别人可以照料他们的孩子。Whoever else goes hungry, he won't.不管别的什么人挨饿,他不会。Apart from anything else I was starving.别的不说,我饿坏了。Unfortunately, I didn't have my credit card with me, or else I would have bought it.很不凑巧,我没带信用卡,否则我肯定早买了。I went forward to shake hands with him, but he turned away and began talking to someone else.我走上前去跟他握手,但他却转过头去跟别人谈起话来。After everyone else denied any responsibility, he owned that he was at fault.在其他人都否认负有责任后,他承认是他的错。He never lets anyone else get a look-in.他从不让他人有展示才华的机会。We must automate or else we will fall behind our competitors.我们必须采用自动化技术,否则就会落后于我们的竞争对手。As the King's representative he took precedence over everyone else on the island.作为国王的代表,他比岛上其他任何人的地位都要高。He gave in to the social pressures to act and dress like everybody else.他迫于社会压力,举止和穿着变得和大家一样。He bad-mouthed me to everybody else.他见人便说我坏话。It is easy to make generalizations about someone else's problems.对别人的问题作出归纳是很容易的。You are either a total genius or else you must be absolutely raving mad.你要么是个不折不扣的天才,要么就是完全疯了。It happened here and nowhere else.事情发生在这里,而不是其他什么地方。Stop making so much noise or else the neighbours will start complaining.别发出这么大的声响,否则邻居会投诉的。The plan achieved its primary purpose, if nothing else.别的不说,这个方案起码实现了其初衷。We cannot have a double standard where we say everybody else must play by the rules, but we do not need to.我们不能采用双重标准,即要求别人必须按章行事而我们自己却不必如此。She decided, with reason, to find somewhere else to live.她决定另找住处是有道理的。Put yourself in my place - what else could I have done?你站在我的角度想想,我还能做什么呢?I think we can get a better deal somewhere else.我认为我们在别处购买价格会更优惠。I would not swap my career for anyone else's.我可不想和任何人换工作。I have reasons not to confide in you or anyone else.我不能把事情告诉你或别人是有原因的。He displayed remarkable sangfroid when everyone else was panicking during the crisis.当其他人在危急时刻陷入恐慌时,他却表现得异常沉着。I'm going to the post first; then I'm going somewhere else.我打算先去邮局,然后去别处。It must have been somebody else.肯定是其他什么人。If you have a problem, tell your parent, teacher, or someone else you trust.你如果有麻烦,就告诉父母、老师或其他你信任的人。In the days that followed, Keith and his mates could talk of nothing else.在随后的日子里,基思和他的伙伴们谈论的全是这件事。




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