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词汇 element
例句 The kettle needs a new element.电水壶该换新的电热丝了。There is too much of a competitive element in the sales department.销售部竞争太大。There was certainly an element of truth in what she said.她说的话当然也有些是真的。Fitness has now become an important element in our lives.现在健康已经成为我们生活中的一个要素。Silver is a metallic element.银是一种金属元素。There is an element of compulsion in the new plan for the unemployed.新的失业方案有强迫的成分在里面。There's always been an element of competition between me and my brother.我和弟弟之间始终存在一点竞争。She tried to maintain an element of mystery in her relationships.她总是想在男女关系中保持一丝神秘。Our knowledge of his tragic end adds an element of pathos to the story of his early success.我们了解了他的悲剧结局,对于他的早期成功经历就更多了些感伤。These stories do contain an element of truth.这些传闻中确实有点儿真实成分。Magnesium is the nutrient element in plant growth.镁是植物成长所需的营养要素。There is already an element of compulsion in existing government schemes for the unemployed.政府现行的失业方案已经有点强制的意味了。There seemed to be an element of sadism in the training regime.这项强化训练有种虐待狂的味道。The criticisms have at least an element of truth and validity.那些批评至少有一丝真实性和合理性。There is an element of truth in what she said.她说的话也有点道理。We look at each element of the process in turn.我们依次观看工序的每个步骤。This completed the demolition of what remained of the religious element in his attitude towards life.这一下彻底摧毁了他人生观中尚存的宗教因素。There is always an element of chance in buying a used car.买二手车总会有一点儿碰运气的成分。Usually he would have found tonight his element.要是往常,他准会觉得今夜很对劲。Most research and development projects involve some element of risk.大多数研究和发展方案都包含一些风险成分。There is a considerable element of danger in her job.她的工作存在相当大的危险。Diamond is the crystalline form of the element carbon.钻石是碳元素的晶体结构。There is an element of truth in what she has just said.她的话有一点儿道理。An illegible signature can mean the writer likes an element of mystery.字迹难辨的签字可能表示签名者喜欢营造一点神秘色彩。The Egyptian team relied on the element of surprise to defeat their stronger opponents.埃及队凭借出奇制胜的战术去打败强于他们的对手。We've reached the stage where public image is the most important element in the Presidency.我们已经到这样的地步,身为总统,最重要的是公众形象。There's an element of truth in what he says, but the conclusions he comes to are rubbish.他说的有点道理,但他得出的结论却一文不值。There was an element of luck in the last goal.最后的射门得分带有一点运气的成分。Kemp could not forbear a sardonic element in his tone.肯普按捺不住,语含讥讽。In order to make it safe, the element is electrically insulated.为安全起见,该元件作了电绝缘处理。Kate, of course, was in her element, making all the arrangements.凯特安排这一切当然是得心应手。It symbolizes the belief that there is an element of real wrongness in this world.它象征著这个世界上有真正的不公正的因素这样一个信念。There is an element of truth in the overused cliché: money can’t buy happiness.这句用滥了的套话有几分真实性:金钱买不到幸福。He is implanting an element of distrust in the community.他正在向社区注入一种不信任的情绪。The United States, as the world's only remaining superpower, must continue making arms control a central element of its foreign policy.美国作为世界唯一现存的超级大国,必须继续把军备控制作为其对外政策的中心点。My mother would certainly be in her element taking care of children.我母亲照料孩子自然是得心应手。Even his relations with his parents involved an element of role playing.即便是他与他父母的关系中也有角色扮演的成分。The operation carries an element of risk.这个手术有点儿风险。He emphasizes the human element of the story.他强调故事中人的因素。This statement is an oversimplification, but it contains an element of truth.这个声明是过分简化了,但还是有真实的成分。




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