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词汇 earn
例句 I was old enough to work and earn money.我已经长大了,可以工作赚钱了。On average, men still earn more than women.平均来看,男性仍比女性挣得多。She wants more respect, but at the same time she does nothing to earn it. = She wants more respect, while at the same time doing nothing to earn it.她想得到更多的尊重,却从没为此做过任何努力。They earn their living by squatting the land and sharecropping.他们靠擅自占用土地和进行收益分成的耕种维生。The directors did not want Daniel to leave, but they knew he could earn much more somewhere else.董事们不希望丹尼尔走,但是他们知道,他到其他地方赚的钱可以多得多。In a fair tax system those who earn the most should pay the most.公平的税制应是挣钱最多的人缴纳的税款也是最高的。His illness has affected his ability to earn.他的病影响了他挣钱。The amount of tax you pay depends on how much you earn.你要交多少税取决于你挣多少钱。Usually, I am sensible with money, as I have to be, given that I don't earn that much.考虑到自己挣得不多,我用钱通常比较精打细算,这也是迫不得已。As an engineer, you can earn a living anywhere in the world.作为一个工程师,你在世界各地都能谋生。Professional basketball players can earn millions of dollars.职业篮球运动员能挣到数百万美元。It is difficult for them to earn enough to feed their families.对他们而言,很难挣到足够的钱养孩子。If you have what it takes and can stand the pace of advertising, you can earn a very good salary.如果你有能力,并且受得了广告业的紧张节奏,你就可以挣大钱。Your savings will earn fluctuating rates of interest.你的存款会按浮动利率计息。Isn't it rather vulgar to talk about how much money you earn?谈论挣多少钱难道不庸俗吗?She helped her uncle out sometimes just to earn a bit of pin money.她有时候帮帮叔叔的忙赚一些零用钱。I never expected to earn a living as an artist.我从来没指望过靠做一个艺术家来谋生。He's just trying to earn an honest living. 他正努力靠自己的辛苦劳动挣钱。First you have to earn their respect.首先你必须赢得他们对你的尊敬。To earn foreign exchange we must export.要想获得外汇,我们必须出口。Work became slow and he could earn only a few days' pay a month.工作变清闲了,他每月只能挣到几天的工资。Everyone should have the means to earn their own living.每个人都应该有谋生的手段。She mowed lawns in the summers to earn pocket money. 夏天她修剪草坪赚点零花钱。She expressed a wish to earn her own living.她表示了要自谋生计的愿望。I can just about survive on what I earn.我挣的钱仅够糊口。He earns thrice the amount I earn.他挣的钱是我的三倍。Leaders must trust their publics if they are to earn confidence in return.领导人要换取群众的信任就必须先信赖群众。The movie was supposed to earn a lot of money at the box office, but it didn't.这部电影的票房收入本该很多的,但结果并非如此。In his early days, he would do almost anything to earn a crust from the sport.早年为了能在体育界混口饭吃,他几乎什么都做。Computer programmers are in great demand, and a good one can earn a very high salary.电脑程序设计师需求量很大,优秀人员的薪酬极高。It's none of your business how much I earn.我挣多少钱不关你的事。I think it's right that the people who work hardest should earn the most.我认为工作最努力的人报酬最高是合理的。I make it no secret that our worst consultants earn nothing.我可以坦白地说,我们最差的顾问挣不到一分钱。He'd earn a darn sight more money there.他在那里会挣到多得多的钱。Today's professional sportsmen can expect to earn enormous sums of money.现在的职业运动员可以挣很多钱。Customers earn loyalty points every time they shop in the store.顾客每次在店里购物都会获得忠诚积分。He's trying to earn the boss's favor by working late.他正努力通过加班来赢得老板的欢心。He will do anything to earn his keep. 为了养活自己,他什么都愿意干。To earn full credit you must include at least three maps with your project.要想得满分,你的方案中至少要包含三幅地图。The company's executives earn obscene salaries.公司主管们的薪水高得惊人。




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